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I have a pretty big SQL query to get data from multiple database tables. I use the ON condition to check if the guild_ids are always the same and in some cases, he check’s for an user_id too.

That is my query:

    SUM( f.guild_id = 787672220503244800 AND f.winner_id LIKE '%841827102331240468%' ) AS guild_winner,
    SUM( f.winner_id LIKE '%841827102331240468%' ) AS win_sum,
    guild_finished_giveaways AS f
    JOIN guild_message_count AS m
    JOIN guild_role_settings AS r
    JOIN guild_invite_count AS i ON m.guild_id = f.guild_id 
    AND m.user_id = 841827102331240468 
    AND r.guild_id = f.guild_id 
    AND i.guild_id = f.guild_id 
    AND i.user_id = m.user_id

But it runs pretty slow, with over 15s. I can’t see why it needs so long.

I figured out that if I remove the "guild_invite_count" JOIN, it’s pretty fast again. Do I have some simple error here that I don’t see? Or what could be the issue?



  1. Each JOIN expression needs it’s own ON. Don’t wait until the end for this. As it was, the server was forced to build up a cartesian product of all those tables before narrowing them down again, and I’m surprised the query ran at all (I’d expect a syntax error for missing ON clauses).

    FROM guild_finished_giveaways AS f
      JOIN guild_message_count AS m ON m.guild_id = f.guild_id 
      JOIN guild_role_settings AS r ON r.guild_id = f.guild_id
      JOIN guild_invite_count AS i ON i.guild_id = f.guild_id 
          AND i.user_id = m.user_id
    WHERE m.user_id = 841827102331240468 

    It’s also more than a little odd to use SUM() or any other aggregate function in the same query as non-aggregated values without a GROUP BY clause.

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  2. Are you using InnoDB?

    Does every table have a PRIMARY KEY?

    These may help:

    m:  PRIMARY KEY(user_id)  -- assuming that is unique in that table
    f:  INDEX(guild_id,  winner_id)
    r:  INDEX(guild_id,  bypass_role_id)
    i:  INDEX(user_id,)

    It looks like some tables should not be separate — perhaps r,i,f could be combined? (I need to see SHOW CREATE TABLE to say more.)

    Do NOT have a commalist in winner_id. Instead have another table with one row per winner per game (or whatever it is a winner of). Perhaps just to columns like a Many-to-many mapping table.

    Noting that the execution is likely to start with m and then go next to i let’s improve on Joel’s suggestion:

    FROM   guild_message_count      AS m
      JOIN guild_invite_count       AS i ON i.user_id  = m.user_id
      JOIN guild_finished_giveaways AS f ON f.guild_id = m.guild_id 
      JOIN guild_role_settings      AS r ON r.guild_id = m.guild_id
    WHERE m.user_id = 841827102331240468 

    Note that 3 tables are joined on guild_id; but only 2 = are needed.

    SUM without GROUP BY sums up the entire resultset (after JOINing). But you have 6 non-aggregates, so you need to GROUP BY all 6.

    But that may lead to grossly inflated sums. Maybe you need to do the aggregation just over f first since that is where you are summing. Then JOIN to the rest??

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