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I have the following table

ID hobby
1 Football
1 Tennis
1 Football
2 Cards
2 Painting
3 Tennis
3 Football
4 Cards

and i want to select pairs of members only if they have the exact same hobbies (without duplicates).
So in the table above, i want the query to output:

id1 id2
1 3

my query:

SELECT as id1 , as id2
FROM members m1 inner join members m2
ON <
WHERE m1.hobby in (
  SELECT distinct(m2.hobby)
GROUP BY id1,id2

but i get:

id1 id2
1 3
2 4



  1. You can accomplish this by using GROUP_CONCAT to group ids by hobby and then splitting the concatenated pairs with SUBSTRING_INDEX:

    This query will return the hobby with many members :

    SELECT pairs
    FROM (
      select hobby, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ID) as pairs
      from members
      group by hobby
    ) as s
    GROUP BY pairs
    HAVING COUNT(pairs) > 1

    Result :


    The comma separated pairs will then be converted into columns in the final query :

    WITH cte as (
      SELECT pairs
      FROM (
        select hobby, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ID) as pairs
        from members
        group by hobby
      ) as s
      GROUP BY pairs
      HAVING COUNT(pairs) > 1
    select SUBSTRING_INDEX(pairs, ',', 1) AS ID1,
           SUBSTRING_INDEX(pairs, ',', -1) AS ID2
    from cte

    Result :

    ID1 ID2
    1   3

    Demo here

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  2. with data (id,hobby) as (
        select 1, 'Tennis'  union all
        select 1, 'Football'  union all
        select 1, 'Football'  union all
        select 2, 'Cards'  union all
        select 2, 'Painting'  union all
        select 3, 'Tennis'  union all
        select 3, 'Football'  union all
        select 4, 'Cards' union all
        select 5, 'Tennis' union all
        select 5, 'Football' union all
        select 5, 'Cards'
    , udata(id,hobby) as (
        select distinct id, hobby 
        from data
    , cdata(id, n) as (
        select id, count(distinct hobby) as n
        from data
        group by id
    select id1, id2 from (
        select as id1, as id2, count(*) as n, 
          c1.n as no1, c2.n as no2
        from udata u1
        join udata u2 on > and u1.hobby = u2.hobby
        join cdata c1 on =
        join cdata c2 on =
        group by,
    ) t
    where n = no1 and n = no2

    (you could add count(distinct hobby) over(partition by id) as n in udata and add the condition on n in the JOIN between u1 and u2 later but MySQL doesn’t support yet count distinct over partition…)

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  3. One way of doing this is:

    • counting how many unique hobbies each ID has
    • self-joining to catch matching hobbies and number of hobbies together, on different ids
    • ensure the count of hobbies is equal to the count of matching records for each id
    WITH cte AS (
        SELECT ID, 
               COUNT(hobby) OVER(PARTITION BY ID) AS cnt
        FROM tab 
        GROUP BY ID, 
    SELECT t1.ID AS id1, 
           t2.ID AS id2
    FROM       cte t1
    INNER JOIN cte t2
            ON t1.ID < t2.ID 
           AND t1.hobby = t2.hobby
           AND t1.cnt = t2.cnt
    GROUP BY t1.ID, t2.ID, t1.cnt
    HAVING COUNT(*) = t1.cnt


    id1 id2
    1 3

    Check the demo here.

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  4. One simple method uses string aggregation. The idea is to build a list of all hobbies of each member; we can then self-join the result to generate pairs of users that share the exact same list.

    with cte as (
        select id, group_concat(distinct hobby order by hobby) hobbies
        from members
        group by id
    select as id1, as id2, c1.hobbies
    from cte c1
    inner join cte c2 on c1.hobbies = c2.hobbies and <    

    Note that it is important to order the hobbies in the lists, so they can be consistently compared.

    id1 id2 hobbies
    1 3 Football,Tennis


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