Good Day
I’m stuck with some code. I need to do two things: 1. Create multiple checkboxes and add the ticked boxes to a list. 2. Add multiple tuples/lists to MySQL.
Checkboxes (My code so far):
def weapon_submit():
selection_list = ['Blueprint']
ticked_items = weapon_selection.get()
for btn in check_buttons:
if ticked_items == 1:
item_name = weapon_box.cget('text')
selection_list += item_name
# Checkboxes
current_row = 1
current_col = 0
check_buttons = []
for item in weapon_part_list:
weapon_selection = StringVar()
weapon_box = Checkbutton(weapon_window, text=item, variable=weapon_selection)
weapon_box.config(bg=bg_color, fg=font_color, font=text_font, selectcolor=blue)
weapon_box.grid(row=current_row, column=current_col, padx=15, pady=15)
current_row += 1
if current_row == 4:
current_row = 1
current_col += 1
# Button
enter_button = Button(weapon_window, text="Submit", command=weapon_submit, bg=btn_color, fg=font_color, font=text_font, relief=GROOVE)
enter_button.grid(row=5, column=2, pady=(30, 0))
Just an update if people are searching for a solution to above problem, with help from another user’s post I figured it out. See below:
def weapon_submit():
selection_list = ['Blueprint']
for text, weapon_selection in zip(weapon_part_list, check_buttons):
if weapon_selection.get():
ticked_items = text
Database (My code so far):
warframe_part_list = [
def number_valid(P):
if str.isdigit(P) or str(P) == "":
return True
messagebox.showwarning(parent=relics_window, message="Only numbers allowed!")
return False
vcmd = add_relics_window.register(number_valid)
prime_entry = Entry(add_relics_window, width=25, justify=CENTER, font=text_font, bg=label_color, fg=label_font_color)
prime_entry.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=15)
current_row = 5
for part in warframe_part_list:
part_label = Label(add_relics_window, text=part, font=heading_font, bg=bg_color, fg=font_color)
part_label.grid(row=current_row, column=0)
clicked_relic = StringVar()
clicked_relic.set("Select Option")
relic_menu = OptionMenu(add_relics_window, clicked_relic, *relic_list)
relic_menu.config(bg=btn_color, fg=font_color, font=text_font)
relic_menu.grid(row=current_row, column=1, padx=(15, 0))
relic_no_entry = Entry(add_relics_window, width=5, justify=CENTER, font=text_font, bg=label_color, fg=label_font_color)
relic_no_entry.grid(row=current_row, column=2)
clicked_rarity = StringVar()
clicked_rarity.set("Select Option")
rarity_menu = OptionMenu(add_relics_window, clicked_rarity, *rarity_list)
rarity_menu.config(bg=btn_color, fg=font_color, font=text_font)
rarity_menu.grid(row=current_row, column=3)
quantity_entry = Entry(add_relics_window, width=5, validate='key', validatecommand=(vcmd, '%P'), justify=CENTER, font=text_font, bg=label_color, fg=label_font_color)
quantity_entry.grid(row=current_row, column=4)
clicked_mission = StringVar()
clicked_mission.set("Select Option")
mission_menu = OptionMenu(add_relics_window, clicked_mission, *mission_list)
mission_menu.config(bg=btn_color, fg=font_color, font=text_font)
mission_menu.grid(row=current_row, column=5)
clicked_planet = StringVar()
clicked_planet.set("Select Option")
planet_menu = OptionMenu(add_relics_window, clicked_planet, *planet_list)
planet_menu.config(bg=btn_color, fg=font_color, font=text_font)
planet_menu.grid(row=current_row, column=6, padx=(15, 0))
location_entry = Entry(add_relics_window, width=25, justify=CENTER, font=text_font, bg=label_color, fg=label_font_color)
location_entry.grid(row=current_row, column=7, padx=15)
clicked_rotation = StringVar()
clicked_rotation.set("Select Option")
rotation_menu = OptionMenu(add_relics_window, clicked_rotation, *rotation_list)
rotation_menu.config(bg=btn_color, fg=font_color, font=text_font)
rotation_menu.grid(row=current_row, column=8)
drop_chance_entry = Entry(add_relics_window, width=10, justify=CENTER, font=text_font, bg=label_color, fg=label_font_color)
drop_chance_entry.grid(row=current_row, column=9)
clicked_obtained = StringVar()
clicked_obtained.set("Select Option")
obtained_menu = OptionMenu(add_relics_window, clicked_obtained, *answer_list)
obtained_menu.config(bg=btn_color, fg=font_color, font=text_font)
obtained_menu.grid(row=current_row, column=10)
current_row += 1
enter_button = Button(add_relics_window, text="Submit", command=submit, bg=btn_color, fg=font_color, font=text_font, relief=GROOVE)
enter_button.grid(row=10, column=7, pady=(30, 0))
def submit():
data_list = []
for part in warframe_part_list:
list = (prime_entry.get(), part, clicked_relic.get(), relic_no_entry.get(), clicked_rarity.get(), quantity_entry.get(), clicked_mission.get(), clicked_planet.get(), location_entry.get(), clicked_rotation.get(), drop_chance_entry.get(), clicked_obtained.get())
connections = mysql.connector.connect(user=user, password=password, host=host, database=database)
cursors = connections.cursor()
sql = "INSERT INTO relics (prime, part, relic, relic_no, rarity, quantity, drop_mission, drop_planet, drop_location, drop_rotation, drop_chance, obtained) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
cursors.executemany(sql, data_list)
Database output should look like this:
- Blueprint, Lith, P11, Rare, 5, Defense, Void
- Neuroptics, Meso, R4, Common, 3, Capture, Void
- Chassis, Neo, S17, Uncommon, 1, Survival, Void
- Systems, Axi, K6, Uncommon, 0, Survival, Void
Loop is replacing each sublist instead of adding them and I end up with the last list 4 times in the main list.
You’re help is much appreciated.
ps. How do I shorten below code to add all list simultaneously in a single loop. eg.
for x in companion_type_list:
sql = "INSERT INTO companions_list (companion, type, my_rank, reactor, forma, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
data = (x, 'Sentinel', 0, 'No', 0, "None")
cursors.execute(sql, data)
Looping through all sub lists?
# $$$$ Add All Companions $$$$$
companion_type_list = [
sentinel_list = ['Carrier', 'Dethcube', 'Diriga', 'Djinn', 'Helios', 'Nautilus', 'Oxylus', 'Shade', 'Taxon', 'Wyrm']
moa_list = ['Lambeo', 'Nychus', 'Oloro', 'Para']
hound_list = ['Bhaira', 'Dorma', 'Hec']
kubrow_list = ['Chesa', 'Charger', 'Huras', 'Raksa', 'Sahasa', 'Sunika']
kavat_list = ['Adarza', 'Smeeta', 'Vasca']
predasite_list = ['Medjay', 'Pharaoh', 'Vizier']
vulpaphyla_list = ['Crescent', 'Panzer', 'Sly']
connections = mysql.connector.connect(user=user, password=password, host=host, database=database)
cursors = connections.cursor()
cursors.execute('SELECT id FROM companions_list')
records = cursors.fetchone()
if records is None:
for x in sentinel_list:
sql = "INSERT INTO companions_list (companion, type, my_rank, reactor, forma, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
data = (x, 'Sentinel', 0, 'No', 0, "None")
cursors.execute(sql, data)
for x in moa_list:
sql = "INSERT INTO companions_list (companion, type, my_rank, reactor, forma, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
data = (x, 'Moa', 0, 'No', 0, "None")
cursors.execute(sql, data)
for x in hound_list:
sql = "INSERT INTO companions_list (companion, type, my_rank, reactor, forma, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
data = (x, 'Hound', 0, 'No', 0, "None")
cursors.execute(sql, data)
for x in kubrow_list:
sql = "INSERT INTO companions_list (companion, type, my_rank, reactor, forma, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
data = (x, 'Kubrow', 0, 'No', 0, "None")
cursors.execute(sql, data)
for x in kavat_list:
sql = "INSERT INTO companions_list (companion, type, my_rank, reactor, forma, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
data = (x, 'Kavat', 0, 'No', 0, "None")
cursors.execute(sql, data)
for x in predasite_list:
sql = "INSERT INTO companions_list (companion, type, my_rank, reactor, forma, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
data = (x, 'Predasite', 0, 'No', 0, "None")
cursors.execute(sql, data)
for x in vulpaphyla_list:
sql = "INSERT INTO companions_list (companion, type, my_rank, reactor, forma, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
data = (x, 'Vulpaphyla', 0, 'No', 0, "None")
cursors.execute(sql, data)
Note: This is the shortened code, not the fix.
Since you have used same set of variables in the for loop, so those set of variables will reference the last row of widgets after the for loop.
Suggest to use a dictionary to store those widgets in a row using
as the key:Then modify
to loop through the dictionary: