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I’m wanting to optimize a query using a union as a sub query.

Im not really sure how to construct the query though.

I’m using MYSQL 8.0.12

Here is the original query:

enter image description here

| c1     | c2 |
| 18182  | 0  |
| 18015  | 0  |
2 rows in set (0.35 sec)

I’m sorry but the question doesn’t stored if I paste the sql query as text and format using ctrl+k

Output expected

| c1    | c2  |
| 18182 | 167 |
| 18015 | 0   |

As a output I would like to have the difference of rows between the two tables in UNION ALL.

I processed this question using the wizard



  1. There are several ways to go for this, including UNION, but I wouldn’t recommend it, as it is IMO a bit ‘hacky’. Instead, I suggest you use subqueries or use CTEs.

    With subqueries

        ABS(c_tbl_aaa.size - c_tbl_bbb.size) as diff
    FROM (
               COUNT(*) as size
            FROM tbl_aaa
        ) c_tbl_aaa
               COUNT(*) as size
            FROM tbl_bbb
        ) c_tbl_bbb

    With CTEs, also known as WITHs

    WITH c_tbl_aaa AS (
           COUNT(*) as size
        FROM tbl_aaa
    ), c_tbl_bbb AS (
           COUNT(*) as size
        FROM tbl_bbb
        ABS(c_tbl_aaa.size - c_tbl_bbb.size) as diff
    FROM c_tbl_aaa
        CROSS JOIN c_tbl_bbb

    In a practical sense, they are the same. Depending on the needs, you might want to define and join the results though, and in said cases, you could use a single number as a "pseudo id" in the select statement.

    Since you only want to know the differences, I used the ABS function, which returns the absolute value of a number.

    Let me know if you want a solution with UNIONs anyway.

    Edit: As @Rick James pointed out, COUNT(*) should be used in the subqueries to count the number of rows, as COUNT(id_***) will only count the rows with non-null values in that field.

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  2. Since a parenthesized SELECT can be used almost anywhere a expression can go:

        ABS( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_aaa) -
             (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_bbb) ) AS diff;

    Also, MySQL is happy to allow a SELECT without a FROM.

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