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I notice there is a macro uint4korr in the MySQL/MariaDB source code.


I merely understand this macro is correlated with byte order. But I looked for the comments about this macro, found nothing. I don’t know the meaning of the suffix korr. What does the abbreviation express?

I want to know why the code implements like this? What are the effects on different platforms?



  1. "korr" is an abbreviation for "Korrekt" of the phonic and meaning equivalent of the English word "Correct".

    The purpose of the code is to provide a uniform byte order of storage and communication components so the storage files are portable between different endian architectures without conversion, and the client/server communication doesn’t need to know which endian the other architecture is.

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  2. I believe that the related Swedish verb is korrigera, to correct. uint4korr() is kind of the opposite of ntohl(), because it will swap the bytes on a big-endian architecture and not little-endian.

    Somewhat related to this, the InnoDB storage engine stores its data in big-endian byte order, so that a simple memcmp() can be used for comparing keys. (It also inverts the sign bit of signed integers due to this.) The InnoDB function mach_read_from_4() is basically ntohl() combined with a 32-bit load via an unaligned pointer. Recent versions of GCC and clang impress me by translating that into the IA-32 or AMD64 instructions mov and bswap or simply movbe.

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