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Consider the following tables:

create table `t1` (
  `date` date,
  `value` int

create table `t2` (
  `date` date,
  `value` int

insert into `t1` (`date`, `value`)
values ("2022-01-01", 1),
       ("2022-03-01", 3),
       ("2022-04-01", 4);
insert into `t2` (`date`, `value`)
values ("2022-01-01", 1),
       ("2022-02-01", 2),
       ("2022-04-01", 4);

The t1 table is missing 2022-02-01 date and t2 is missing 2022-03-01. I want to join these two tables so that it produces the following result:

|    | t1.value |    | t2.value |
|            |          |            |          |
| 2022-01-01 | 1        | 2022-01-01 | 1        |
| null       | null     | 2022-02-01 | 2        |
| 2022-03-01 | 3        | null       | null     |
| 2022-04-01 | 4        | 2022-04-01 | 4        |

The solution is a full join:

select *
from `t1`
left join `t2` on `t2`.`date` = `t1`.`date`


select *
from `t1`
right join `t2` on `t2`.`date` = `t1`.`date`;

Which produces exactly the result I want. But a where statement breaks everything:

select *
from `t1`
left join `t2` on `t2`.`date` = `t1`.`date`
where `t1`.`date` > "2022-01-01"


select *
from `t1`
right join `t2` on `t2`.`date` = `t1`.`date`
where `t1`.`date` > "2022-01-01";

I expected this result:

|    | t1.value |    | t2.value |
|            |          |            |          |
| null       | null     | 2022-02-01 | 2        |
| 2022-03-01 | 3        | null       | null     |
| 2022-04-01 | 4        | 2022-04-01 | 4        |

But I got this:

|    | t1.value |    | t2.value |
|            |          |            |          |
| 2022-03-01 | 3        | null       | null     |
| 2022-04-01 | 4        | 2022-04-01 | 4        |

I think I know what’s going on but I can’t find a way around it. The problem is that > "whatever" filters all empty rows in the t1 table. I’ve already tried this but it doesn’t work:

where `t1`.`date` > "2022-01-01" or `t1`.`date` = null



  1. Seems like you should use > "2022-01-01" in the right join query.

    select *
    from `t1`
    left join `t2` on `t2`.`date` = `t1`.`date`
    where `t1`.`date` > "2022-01-01"
    select *
    from `t1`
    right join `t2` on `t2`.`date` = `t1`.`date`
    where  `t2`.`date` > "2022-01-01";

    See demo at

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  2. I’ve already tried this but it doesn’t work:

    where > "2022-01-01" or = null

    You should use

    where `t1`.`date` > "2022-01-01" or `t1`.`date` is null

    "NULL = NULL" results false as the NULL does not have value. Therefore it cannot be the same as any other value (even another NULL). The correct way is to use is null

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  3. In MySQL to check if a value is null your not gonna use value = null but value IS NULL or value IS NOT NULL if you want to check when the value is assigned.

    As the result, you gonna have that:

    WHERE `t1`.`date` > "2022-01-01" OR `t1`.`date` IS NULL

    In MySQL is proper to write the instructions in uppercase.

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