I’m having a problem getting handler 404 to redirect to my homepage. Here’s what I have and tried…
In settings.py
In views.py
class view_404(request, exception=None):
return render(request, "mysite/index.html")
In urls.py
From django.conf.urls import handler404
urlpatterns = [
path('', views.index, name='index')
handler404 = "mysite.views.index"
I’ve tried putting the view_404 function directly in the urls.py file, I’ve tried handler404 = views.index. I’ve tried handling 404s in my nginx.conf file
error_page 404 =200 /index.html;
error_page 404 /index.html;
location /index.html {
root path/to/template;
I have not been able to get any of these to work…
So the problem was that it it needs to be handled in the projects root urls.py file and it acts globally for all apps
Create a view which redirect to your index:
And reference to this view in your urls.py file: