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I’ve followed this guide (, but I’m presently seeing the following when trying to run gunicorn via the gunicorn service file (/etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service):

Oct 04 11:30:22 ukgcdeploy01 gunicorn[8095]:   File "/opt/envs/automation-console-env/bin/gunicorn", line 5, in <module>
Oct 04 11:30:22 ukgcdeploy01 gunicorn[8095]:     from import run
Oct 04 11:30:22 ukgcdeploy01 gunicorn[8095]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gunicorn'

The gunicorn.service file contains the following:

Description=gunicorn daemon

ExecStart=/opt/envs/automation-console-env/bin/gunicorn --timeout 600 --log-level debug --error-log /var/log/automation-console-env_error.log  --access-logfile /var/log/automation-console-env_access.log --workers 3 --bind unix:/opt/envs/automation-console-env/automation-console-env.sock django_forms.wsgi:application


Running gunicorn manually works fine:

gunicorn –bind myproject.wsgi

This was previously working before I had to upgrade my Python version from 3.5.2 to 3.9, and due to some issues I ended up having to recreate the virtual environment, so I don’t think it’s necessarily an issue with the service file, but rather my Python/Gunicorn installation.

If anyone could offer some advice, it would be greatly appreciated 🙂



  1. Does the automation-console-env environment exist? If so, is gunicorn installed there? In either case, since it is working as gunicorn ... on the command line, you should be able to use this installation.

    which gunicorn

    Then change your systemd unit file to point to this executable.

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  2. It seems that you either are defining the wrong path or you might be facing a permission issue in gunicorn.service.

    First try to enable the service by using systemctl enable gunicorn.service. If it didn’t work, then try the following:

    Edit gunicorn.service as follows:

    from: --bind unix:/opt/envs/automation-console-env/automation-console-env.sock django_forms.wsgi:application

    to: --bind unix:/opt/envs/automation-console-env/automation-console-env.sock django_forms.wsgi

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