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I have a simple getServerSideProps() function that calls an external API but throws this error:

FetchError: request to https://nginx/api/items failed, reason: unable
to verify the first certificate

The Node server does not trust my self-signed certificate.

So I found this Stack Overflow post to bypass that (I’m only using it in development):

How to configure axios to use SSL certificate?

So I added the rejectUnauthorized: false to my Axios call like so:

export async function getServerSideProps() {
const res = await fetch('https://nginx/api/items',
   { rejectUnauthorized: false,
     method: 'GET',

const { data } = await res.json()
return { props: { data } }

But I still get the error.

Is there another way to make my self-signed certificate work with Next? I found some other solutions, but they are for Express, I don’t know how to implement that for Node with Next.js



  1. The rejectUnautorized belongs in an HttpAgent:

    const https = require('https');
    const agent = new https.Agent({
      rejectUnauthorized: false
    const res = await fetch('https://nginx/api/items', { 
         method: 'GET',
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  2. My Case, https created with only key.pem, crt.pem
    Add ca.pem to https server

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