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I made a next.js export into the out folder.

Folder structure is:

  • out
    • index.html
    • terms.html
    • privacy.html

I set up nginx to serve files from this folder:

server {
    root /var/www/myproject/out;
    index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;


    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

The main page (index) opens fine. Navigation from within the app to urls like works fine. The problem is if I try to open these links directly, it will serve the main page (index) instead of the actual pages, since those urls don’t exist in the folder. The only way to open the privacy page directly is adding the html extension to the url:

How to configure nginx to serve the actual page when someone enters the url?



  1. Issue is in try_files.

    As current configuration includes:

    • / (which default route to index.html at root path)
    • index.html
    • /index.html
    • test/*.html

    To access pages route path name without extension i.e., /privacy that format should be included in try_files insdie location /

    Try this:

    try_files $uri $uri.html /$uri /index.html
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  2. I needed a 2nd location block because of the way NextJS does ids in the url. NextJS will have files like [id].html or whatever.

        location / {
            try_files $uri $uri.html /$uri /index.html;
        location ~* /(.*)(d+)$ {
            try_files $1/[id].html /$1/[id].html /index.html;

    So I needed the 2nd block to catch urls of the form /whatever/etc/5 and redirect nginx to /whatever/etc/[id].html

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