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I want to realize uploading files for my users. I use CKEDITOR 5 in my react project. Back-end on nodeJS.
So, i can upload file, can get its Url, but, can’t display one in VIEW page.

//my server code

const express = require('express');

//for uploading i use this module
const multiparty = require('connect-multiparty');
const multipartyMiddleware = multiparty({uploadDir: '/var/www/'}) //here is whole path to my upload folder on server

const app = express();
const port = 3555;
const path = require('path');
const moment = require('moment');
const fs = require('fs');

//so, here i have route /upload, which is indicated in configuration of ckeditor as route to send pictures
app.use(express.static("uploaded"));'/upload', multipartyMiddleware, (req, res) => {
  var TempFile = req.files.upload;
  var TempPathfile = TempFile.path;

  const targetPathUrl = path.join(__dirname,"./uploaded/";

 if(path.extname(TempFile.originalFilename).toLowerCase() === ".png" || ".jpg"){
  fs.rename(TempPathfile, targetPathUrl, err =>{

       uploaded: true,
        url: `${__dirname}/uploaded/${TempFile.originalFilename}`
      }); // this path is the same as in 5th row (except folder, here it change, but it's no matter) 

      if(err) return console.log(err);


//------------CKEDITOR CODE---//
            onChange={(event, editor) => {
                data: editor.getData(),
                ckfinder: {
                  uploadUrl: '/upload'
                } // here, /upload - the route to send pictures
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

On my VIEW page, i getting this


So, i’ve tried to change paths, but still couldn’t get the picture.

please explain why I can’t just get and output a file that is already uploaded on my own server

P.S. Sorry for my english



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thank you all for answers, i resolved the problem.

    In this part i change url for uploaded images

           uploaded: true,
            url: `/files/${TempFile.originalFilename}`

    Then, i created route with this url

    app.get('/files/:url(*)', (req, res) => {
      res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname + '/uploaded/' + req.params.url))

    And it works!

  2. It seems from the screenshot that you are getting the absolute path to the image, if you want to show the image on the client-side and you are sure the image is saved on your server, you have to send it back as a public URL address of your image!

    example: ";

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