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I have written a DOCKER file, which uses as an image an private adapted alpine image, which contains a nginx server.
Note: alpine uses zsh, not bash.

I love to have some shell aliases available, when working in the container and it drives me nuts, when they are missing. So I copy a small prepared file to /root/.profile, which works. I can view the file and it’s contents. But the file does not load only if I manually do . ~/.profile in the container then I have the aliases available.

What do I have to do, that my profile is automatically loaded after I started the container and connect into it’s shell?

FROM myprivatealpineimage/base-image-php:7.4.13


COPY ./docker/shared/bashrc /root/.profile

COPY ./docker/shared/ /tmp/scripts/
RUN chmod +x -R /tmp/scripts/ 
    && /tmp/scripts/ ${TIMEZONE}
    && apk update
    && apk add --no-cache git

RUN install-ext pecl/apcu pecl/imagick pecl/zip pecl/redis
RUN apk add --no-cache --repository gnu-libiconv
ENV LD_PRELOAD /usr/lib/ php

WORKDIR /var/www



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This seems to work:

    FROM myprivatealpineimage/base-image-php:8.0.3
    COPY ./docker/shared/bashrc /root/.profile
    COPY ./docker/shared/bashrc /root/.ashrc
    COPY ./docker/shared/ /tmp/scripts/
    RUN chmod +x -R /tmp/scripts/ 
        && /tmp/scripts/ ${TIMEZONE} 
        && apk add --no-cache git  
    WORKDIR /var/www

    I just build my container anew and when I logged in, I had my aliases. If somebody can confirm, that this setup works I will mark it as correct answer. No clue though why it works and the other didn't.

  2. Cory your file as .bashrc under your user’s directory:

    COPY docker/shared/bashrc /home/{YOUR_USER}/.bashrc

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  3. You can add aliases during the docker build like so:

    # Making our command line life a little easier...
    RUN echo 'alias ll="ls -l"' >> ~/.bashrc
    RUN echo 'alias la="ls -la"' >> ~/.bashrc
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  4. For me, this worked:

    1. Create a shell script per alias. For example, and and

    2. Put all those scripts inside a directory. For example scripts

    3. Add that directory to PATH environment variable inside your Dockerfile. Example:

      ENV PATH="${PATH}:/temp/scripts"

    4. Mount this directory in your docker-compose.yml file. Example:

                - /path/to/scripts/on/local/machine:/temp/scripts
    1. Make sure the path you add to PATH matches the path you mount in docker-compose.yml. For example both should be /temp/scripts

    2. Now inside your docker interactive shell, you can simply call your script files with their names, for example compile or dblogin.

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  5. By default docker start a non-login shell.
    To read .profile file you need a login shell docker exec -it <container> ash -l.

    To read /etc/profile (or another startup file) everytime, you’ve to set ENV variable.

    Example Dockerfile

    FROM php:$PHPVERSION-fpm-alpine
    # copy composer from official image
    COPY --from=composer:latest /usr/bin/composer /usr/bin/composer
    #set $ENV
    ENV ENV=/etc/profile
    #copy aliases definition
    COPY /assets/ /etc/profile.d/
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