I am building a NextJS app and all of a sudden all my import aliases stopped working
This is my jsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@/*": ["./*"]
I have an initial import like this in my layout.jsx file:
import {RootLayout} from '@/components/RootLayout';
And that stopped working completely.
I had to go through my project and use absolute paths so I turned that into:
import {RootLayout} from '/src/components/RootLayout';
And everything is loading but does anyone have any ideas what happened? I can’t get my alias to work now.
Im using Linux, Visual Studio Code, Nginx, on a DO Droplet.
I tried to use @/components/RootLayout
but received a Module not found
– my aliases broke and they had been working for days before?
Also seeing this all of a sudden starting today…
Here is my jsconfig.json:
I can’t for the life of me figure out why this is happening…
this happened to me too, what i did was deleting node-modules and npm i again , that solved the issue, i’m not sure why this happened exactly but i guess it is because my computer is old and slow so it caused errors to happen.