I keep getting this error when I try to connect:
Post "https://localhost:1235/api/v1/query": dial tcp [::1]:1235: connect: connection refused – There was an error returned querying the Prometheus API.
My Prometheus and Grafana is running on a virtual server, but I am using SSH tunneling to connect to Grafana on localhost:1234 and to Prometheus on localhost:1235 since I dont have more ports available on my server. I am able to access both sites when looking them up also Prometheus aswell as Grafana are both running and there is no other error. But I cannot connect my data from Prometheus to Grafana.
What am I missing?
My prometheus.yml in my virtual server:
scrape_interval: 15s
job_name: ‘backend’
static_configs:- targets: [‘backend:1433’]
job_name: ‘nginx’
static_configs:- targets: [‘nginx:80’]
job_name: ‘nginx_exporter’
static_configs:- targets: [‘nginx_exporter:9113’]
job_name: ‘cadvisor’
scrape_interval: 5s
static_configs:- targets: [‘cadvisor:8080’]
I have my API endpoints in my backend and using nginx and nginx exporter. Also using docker containers.
I have tried instead of localhost.
I have tried 9091 instead – since this is where my prometheus is listening in my virtuel server.
I have tried prometheus in url.
I can see that prometheus is collecting data and everything else is working. I have tried restarting and also tried using the docker url also that i seen somewhere else.
I have looked up otherrs having same problem, but none of their answers have solved mine.
Yes i deployed it in docker and i tried using host.docker.internal, it says the same thing.
Do you deploy grafana and prometheus in docker? You need use
instead of127.0.0.1