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We use amazon-elastic-beanstalk to deploy part of our stack.
We have just migrated our base platform from PHP 7.4 which uses Amazon Linux 2, to PHP 8.2 which uses Amazon Linux 2023.

Default system logs are being streamed properly (/var/log/nginx/access.log, /var/log/eb-hooks.log, etc.), but custom log streaming to cloudwatch is not working.

I followed this guide in order to enable log streaming within amazon-linux-2

(The guide has not been updated to amazon-linux-2023)

In AL2 we declare the logs we want to be sent creating an ebextension that added the files within /etc/awslogs/config/logs.conf like described in this example from awsdocs

Also I had to enable Cloudwatch log streaming by creating another ebextension: .ebextension/95-logs-streamtocloudwatch.config

    StreamLogs: true
    DeleteOnTerminate: false
    RetentionInDays: 30

And finally I created a policy and add it to the role defined in the EC2 instance profile like documented in the official guide:
Using Elastic Beanstalk with Amazon CloudWatch Logs

 "Version": "2012-10-17",
 "Statement": [
   "Effect": "Allow",
   "Action": [
   "Resource": [

from: official source

That configuration worked fine within amazon-linux-2 instances. But is not working within Amazon Linux 2023 instances



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I have found the solution thanks to this existing answer

    What I have done is to edit the .ebextension file in order to set the configuration for the cloudwatch agent under /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.d/ folder.

    This is my resulting .ebextension file

        StreamLogs: true
        DeleteOnTerminate: false
        RetentionInDays: 30
        amazon-cloudwatch-agent: []
      "/etc/awslogs/awscli.conf" :
        mode: "000600"
        owner: root
        group: root
        content: |
          cwlogs = cwlogs
          region = `{"Ref":"AWS::Region"}`
      "/etc/awslogs/awslogs.conf" :
        mode: "000600"
        owner: root
        group: root
        content: |
          state_file = /var/lib/awslogs/agent-state
        mode: "000600"
        owner: root
        group: root
        content: |
            "logs": {
              "logs_collected": {
                "files": {
                  "collect_list": [
                      "file_path": "/var/log/php-fpm/mycustomlog.log",
                      "log_group_name": "/aws/elasticbeanstalk/erp-prod-php8/var/log/php-fpm/mycustomlog.log",
                      "log_stream_name": "{instance_id}"
        command: systemctl enable amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service
        command: systemctl restart amazon-cloudwatch-agent

  2. The config mentioned above did not work for me. I created an cloudwatch config file using the commands mentioned in the other link Paul added as a reference and it worked! (attached logs). Also the cloudwatch agent is restarted as per the commands (see logs), but for some reason the logs don’t stream until I manually ssh into the EC2 instance and run those 3 commands, again. Did anyone face this issue? If yes, appreciate if you can share how you solved it. Here’s the config.

        amazon-cloudwatch-agent: []
      - namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:cloudwatch:logs
        option_name: StreamLogs
        value: true
      - namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:cloudwatch:logs
        option_name: DeleteOnTerminate  
        value: false
      - namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:cloudwatch:logs
        option_name: RetentionInDays
        value: 90
      "/etc/awslogs/awscli.conf" :
        mode: "000600"
        owner: root
        group: root
        content: |
          cwlogs = cwlogs
          region = `{"Ref":"AWS::Region"}`
        mode: "000600"
        owner: root
        group: root
        content: |
            "logs": {
              "logs_collected": {
                "files": {
                  "collect_list": [
                      "file_path": "/var/app/current/logs/spring.log",
                      "log_group_name": "`{"Fn::Join":["/", ["/aws/elasticbeanstalk", { "Ref":"AWSEBEnvironmentName" }, "var/app/current/logs/spring.log"]]}`",
                      "log_stream_name": "{instance_id}"
        command: sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a append-config -m ec2 -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/custom_logs.json -s
        command: sudo systemctl enable amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service
        command: sudo systemctl restart amazon-cloudwatch-agent

    and here’s the result from the EB logs

    2024-02-28 22:19:04,450 P38264 [INFO] ============================================================
    2024-02-28 22:19:04,450 P38264 [INFO] yum list installed amazon-cloudwatch-agent
    2024-02-28 22:19:04,763 P38264 [INFO] -----------------------Command Output-----------------------
    2024-02-28 22:19:04,763 P38264 [INFO]   Installed Packages
    2024-02-28 22:19:04,763 P38264 [INFO]   amazon-cloudwatch-agent.x86_64        1.300032.3-1.amzn2023         @amazonlinux
    2024-02-28 22:19:04,763 P38264 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
    2024-02-28 22:19:04,763 P38264 [INFO] Completed successfully.
    2024-02-28 22:19:04,766 P38264 [INFO] ============================================================
    2024-02-28 22:19:04,766 P38264 [INFO] Command 01
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,898 P38264 [INFO] -----------------------Command Output-----------------------
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,898 P38264 [INFO]   ****** processing amazon-cloudwatch-agent ******
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,898 P38264 [INFO]   I! Trying to detect region from ec2 D! [EC2] Found active network interface I! imds retry client will retry 1 timesSuccessfully fetched the config and saved in /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.d/file_custom_logs.json.tmp
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,898 P38264 [INFO]   Start configuration validation...
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,898 P38264 [INFO]   2024/02/28 22:19:05 Reading json config file path: /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json ...
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,898 P38264 [INFO]   2024/02/28 22:19:05 Reading json config file path: /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.d/file_beanstalk.json ...
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,898 P38264 [INFO]   2024/02/28 22:19:05 Reading json config file path: /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.d/file_custom_logs.json.tmp ...
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,898 P38264 [INFO]   2024/02/28 22:19:05 I! Valid Json input schema.
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,898 P38264 [INFO]   2024/02/28 22:19:05 Configuration validation first phase succeeded
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,898 P38264 [INFO]   /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json does not exist or cannot read. Skipping it.
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,898 P38264 [INFO]   I! Detecting run_as_user...
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,899 P38264 [INFO]   I! Trying to detect region from ec2
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,899 P38264 [INFO]   D! [EC2] Found active network interface
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,899 P38264 [INFO]   I! imds retry client will retry 1 times
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,899 P38264 [INFO]   /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent -schematest -config /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.toml
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,899 P38264 [INFO]   Configuration validation second phase succeeded
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,899 P38264 [INFO]   Configuration validation succeeded
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,899 P38264 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,899 P38264 [INFO] Completed successfully.
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,899 P38264 [INFO] ============================================================
    2024-02-28 22:19:05,899 P38264 [INFO] Command 02
    2024-02-28 22:19:06,292 P38264 [INFO] Completed successfully.
    2024-02-28 22:19:06,293 P38264 [INFO] ============================================================
    2024-02-28 22:19:06,293 P38264 [INFO] Command 03
    2024-02-28 22:19:06,431 P38264 [INFO] Completed successfully.
    2024-02-28 22:19:13,835 P38770 [INFO] ************************************************************
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