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I’m using a ModSecurity WAF for my application that is defined within a k8s ingress.

The configuration looks like this: "true" "true" |
  SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
  SecRuleEngine On
  SecAuditLogParts AZ
  SecAuditLog /dev/stdout
  SecAuditLogFormat JSON
  SecRequestBodyAccess On

  SecRequestBodyLimit 104857600
  SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit 5242880
  SecRequestBodyLimitAction Reject
  SecAction "id:900200,phase:1,nolog,pass,t:none,
    setvar:tx.allowed_methods=GET HEAD POST OPTIONS PUT PATCH DELETE"

  SecRuleRemoveById 949110
  SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type "^application/[a-z0-9.-]+[+]json"  "id:9990001,phase:1,t:none,t:lowercase,pass,log,ctl:requestBodyProcessor=JSON"

I have SecAuditLogParts set to AZ which are the mandatory parts. I am trying to avoid logging the entire request or at least the headers within as the headers contain a bearer token that I don’t want to make it visible in the logs, and even though I removed the B from the SecAuditLogParts value, it is still showing. The following is how it shows in my logs:

  "transaction": {
    "client_ip": ,
    "time_stamp": ,
    "server_id": "",
    "client_port": ,
    "host_ip": ,
    "host_port": ,
    "unique_id": ,
        headers: { ... },
    "response": { ... }, 
    "producer": { ... },
    "messages": { ... },

How do I log my WAF outputs without Headers, or at least without the token?

I found the SanitiseRequestHeader which I tried and it returned an error at deployment, and by looking the message up online, I found that it was a bug, reported since October 2023



  1. Are you sure Modsecurity is running, I don’t see a SecRuleEngine On. Also, you need to remove SecRuleRemoveById 949110 as this is an important rule ID and is necessary for ModSecurity to work property.

    P.S:- I wanted to comment but do not have enough rep.

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  2. CRS dev-on-duty here. I don’t know, why your configuration SecAuditLogParts AZ doesn’t work.
    But if you don’t need any transaction logs, can you try to disable audit logging with SecAuditEngine Off or with a control statement (more granular) ctl:auditEngine=Off (also see and

    And as CRS-Dev already mentioned: you have to remove SecRuleRemoveById 949110, if you want that your WAF properly works (949110 is the blocking rule!).

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