When I am running the below command to record the change cause –
kubectl set image deployment.v1.apps/deploy1 nginx=nginx:1.16.0 --record
Then it is recording the change cause but showing that –record has been deprecated.
Flag --record has been deprecated, --record will be removed in the future
deployment.apps/deploy1 image updated
And when I run the command kubectl set image deployment.v1.apps/deploy1 nginx=nginx:1.16.0
without –record then it is not recording the change cause.
So my question is if the --record
has been deprecated and with be removed in the future then what is easy alternative of that to record change? ( I mean to record the command using which I have done rollout ).
Thanks in advance.
Not sure if it’s deprecated or will be fully.
You can use the annotate to manage the history same way.
Create the deployment
kubectl create deployment nginx –image=nginx:1.16.0 –replicas 1
check the history
kubectl rollout history deployment nginx
update the image on deployment
kubectl set image deployment nginx nginx=nginx:latest
Annotate the deployment now and create the history
kubectl annotate deployment nginx kubernetes.io/change-cause="version change to 1.16.0 to latest" –overwrite=true
Check the history
kubectl rollout history deployment nginx
The best way to keep a clean documented history of your rollouts is using:
You can use for example:
CHANGE-CAUSE is copied from the Deployment annotation kubernetes.io/change-cause to its revisions upon creation.
Then you would get a message like this when revisiting the history.
You can also find the information in the documentation under Workloads -> Resources -> Resources -> Checking Rollout History of a Deployment.
Kubernetes Documentation