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Is it possible to serve a base64 image (GIF) in Nginx that will load in the browser? The encoded string below is a 1×1 white pixel GIF.

I tried this, which isn’t working

location /img.gif {
  default_type "image/gif;base64";

That image loads fine with

<img width="64" src="">



  1. I have tested a njs approach as you are very flexible with this solution. However – I am not understanding the use case to a 100% but if this is the only solution because you are maybe getting the image bytes b64 encoded from another service on the fly and unable to store them as a file that could be the way to go.

    First load the NGINX njs module load_module modules/;

    Create your NJS file

    export default {b64d}
    function b64d(r) {
      var bytes = Buffer.from(imgB64, 'base64');
      return r.return(200, bytes);

    save this as gif.js

    NGINX Configuration

    js_import gif from conf.d/gif.js;
    server {
      listen 80;
      location / {
        add_header "Content-Type" "image/gif";
        js_content gif.b64d;

    This will return the GIF fully rendered.

    $:/etc/nginx/conf.d# curl -s 127.1 --output test.gif && file test.gif
    test.gif: GIF image data, version 89a, 1 x 1

    With this you are able to decode and send any image you want.

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