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I am trying to follow this tutorial to setup Minikube on my MacBook.

Minikube with ingress

I have also referred Stack overflow question and Stack over flow question 2 both of these are not working for me.

When I run Minikube tunnel it says to enter the password and then get stuck after entering my password.

sidharth@Sidharths-MacBook-Air helm % minikube tunnel     
✅  Tunnel successfully started
📌  NOTE: Please do not close this terminal as this process must stay alive for the     tunnel to be accessible ...

❗  The service/ingress example-ingress requires privileged ports to be exposed: [80 443]
🔑  sudo permission will be asked for it.
❗  The service/ingress minimal-ingress requires privileged ports to be exposed [80 443]
🏃  Starting tunnel for service example-ingress.
🔑  sudo permission will be asked for it.
🏃  Starting tunnel for service minimal-ingress.

I am getting the below response when I run kubectl ge ingress

NAME              CLASS   HOSTS              ADDRESS     PORTS   AGE
example-ingress   nginx   localhost   80      34m



  1. This is an issue specifically with the docker driver, and it’s only an output issue. If you use a VM driver (like hyperkit for macOS), you’ll get the expected output in the documentation.

    This stems from the fact that we need to do two discrete things to tunnel for a container driver (since it needs to route to and for a VM driver.

    We can potentially look into fixing this so that the output for both versions are similar, but the tunnel itself is working fine.

    Refer this github link for more information.

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  2. On the Mac’s with M1 chips, I can use minikube with podman (can brew install both). The "minikube tunnel" will ask for password and then appear to hang, because it’s essentially establishing a tunnel similar to "kubectl port-forward" with that process between and your ingress, and that tunnel will disappear once you ctrl-c out of the "minikube tunnel" process.

    Note, this is different from the experience/behavior you’ll get if you’re using minikube with virtualbox on an Intel-based Mac, which will return the list of mapped ports and always has the ingress reachable from on the virtualbox VM.

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