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My Clients are Complaining for slow speed of my osCommerce Website.. I dont have the basic idea to check out for the speed down of my website.. What could be the issue in this matter?

Could Anybody guide me regarding this…



  1. Change your hosting provider.

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  2. Use a profiler (Firebug has one), and you’ll see what takes so long to load.

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  3. try YSlow plugin for firefox, it will tell you where it goes ‘wrong’

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  4. Take Firebug/YSlow or something similar to find out what takes so long.
    Possible improvements:

    1. Google how to speed up osCommerce in general. (cache, etc.)
    2. If possible speed up you PHP installation by using a php byte code cache (e.g.: eAccelerator)
    3. If possible tweak you web server. For Apache interesting options could be mod_deflate (decreases size of transfered data) and setting the headers for caching CSS/JavaScript via mod_expires (more strict caching for assets)

    If you are only able to do 1. on the site is still to slow, consider to use a more powerful web hosting or a eCommerce solutions that performs better.

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  5. Corrupted indexes, lack of correct indexes, overall slow performance on your hosting.

    First step, run optimize on ALL tables (this might take a long time, if your worried about it use ANALYZE instead):

    OPTIMIZE TABLE table_name

    That would rule out any maintenance issues you might having.

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  6. A dedicated machine, some extra RAM, upgrading hardware is the fastest solution… not the cheapest of course.

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