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how to send array through url in PHP?

I have an array of product ids i want to use these id through url because this is the osCommerce needs it in which i am working in, how can i do it?

Generally osCommerce asks for the single product insertion which in turn gives me back a product id which i pass into the url and get it in shopping cart where i am shown this added product, but now i have multiple products added in first page with different generated product ids and i have to display these products the same way they are displayed in genaral, for which i will need all these generated ids here in url



  1. You can either serialize() it or send it as ?a[]=1&a[]=val2&someOtherArg=val. This will give a $_GET array like:

        'a' => array(
            0 => '1',
            1 => 'val2',
        'someOtherArg' => 'val'

    Do note, however, that you should probably keep your entire query below ~2k characters. (more)

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  2. ?arr[]=abc&arr[]=pqr&arr[]=xyz&arr[]=xxx

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  3. If you are POST-ing data, then name your fields with PHP array-style syntax:

    <input type="text" name="myArray[]" value="A">
    <input type="text" name="myArray[]" value="B">
    <input type="text" name="myArray[]" value="C">

    If you want to pass the data in a GET request, you can separate the data and split it server side using explode:


    $myArray = explode(',', $_POST['myData']);
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  4. It should be sufficient to encode them like this:


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  5. Your looking for http_build_query().

    Example from

    $data = array('foo'=>'bar',
                  'php'=>'hypertext processor');
    echo http_build_query($data);
    // foo=bar&baz=boom&cow=milk&php=hypertext+processor
    echo http_build_query($data, '', '&amp;');
    // foo=bar&amp;baz=boom&amp;cow=milk&amp;php=hypertext+processor
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  6. If you already have the product IDs in an array, then you can use the http_build_query() function, which will encode the array like thus:[]=1&pid[]=2&pid[]=3 ...

    Hope that helps.

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  7. well what i would do is json_encode(php json) the array and assign that to a variable in php. you can then urlencode the variable to send it via the url. On the other end you can json_decode. Do look up for json if you are not aware of it. its very powerful and useful though.

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