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I have already successfully deployed the app in php standard 7.4 environment and its running, today i wanted to update it and when i do gcloud app deploy i get:

Problem 1
    - Root composer.json requires PHP extension ext-mongodb * but it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's mongodb extension.
Problem 2
    - mongodb/mongodb is locked to version 1.4.0 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - mongodb/mongodb 1.4.0 requires ext-mongodb ^1.5.0 -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's mongodb extension.

So i checked the php.ini file for the deployment, its in the root folder (same level as the yaml file) and contains:

Did i missed any google cloud update? I am wondering cause it does not complain about the version of the mongodb php extension and just says there is no extension?

I also tried to switch to PHP 8.1 runtime but i got the same error.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER
    "provide" : {
        "ext-mongo": "*"

    i was able to fix it by adding this to my composer.json .. somehow i never needed it until today.

  2. Worked for me adding to composer.json, so ext-mongodb instead of ext-mongo (I cannot comment on the answer of user1334817 )

    "provide" : {
        "ext-mongodb": "*"
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