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  • The EventLists sheet contains a list of events by day of the week and start time.
  • The Master sheet contains a list of events by date.
  • The Master sheet contains only one month’s data.
  • The Master sheet is sorted by date ASC, time ASC.
  • The day of the week is divide from 05:00 to 28:59
  • The Excel version is 2019.

What I want to do

For the Master sheet, if there is a time that does not exist in the EventLists sheet,

I would like to add a row and embed the target time.

I would like to make it look like the Expected Result sheet shown in the sample URL.

(Background color is not necessary.)

Sample URL


Sub appendPositionToMaster()
  Dim ws As Worksheet
  Dim ws2 As Worksheet
  Dim lastRowNum As Long
  Dim lastRowNum2 As Long
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim j As Integer
  Dim lastStartTime
  Dim currentStartTime
  Dim weekName As String
  Dim startTime
  Dim weekName2 As String
  Dim startTime2

  Set ws = Worksheets("EventLists")
  Set ws2 = Worksheets("Master")

  lastRowNum = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
  lastRowNum2 = ws2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row

  For i = 2 To lastRowNum

    weekName = Cells(i, 1).Value
    startTime = Cells(i, 3).Value

    ' Convert Serial To Number (0.208333333 -> "5:00" -> 500)
    startTime = Val(Format(startTime, "hmm"))

    For j = 2 To lastRowNum2

      weekName2 = Cells(j, 2).Value

      If weekName = weekName2 Then
        lastStartTime = currentStartTime
        currentStartTime = Cells(j, 3).Value

        If lastStartTime <> currentStartTime Then
          startTime2 = currentStartTime
          startTime2 = Val(startTime2)

          ' [TEST] If current start time is not in array
          arr = Array(502, 510, 606, 630, 800, 930, 1025, 1130, 1145, 1155, 1355, 1455, 1550, 1650, 1815, 1954, 2000, 2154, 2200, 2359, 2454, 2559, 2629)
          result = Filter(arr, startTime)

          If UBound(result) = -1 And startTime > startTime2 Then
            MsgBox startTime & " " & startTime2 & " " & j
            Exit For
          End If
        End If
      End If
    Next j
  Next i
End Sub

Anybody help?



what to match the EventLists data with Master data

I want to add a row based on two keys.

The day of the week (line A) and the start time (line C) of the event list.

If the day of the week in the event list matches the day of the week on the Master sheet,

and the start time in the event list does not exist on the Master sheet,
add a row and insert the start time.

For example, on the Master sheet,

the first start time for 20220901 is 502,

Date Week StartTime Type
20220901 Thu 502 B
20220901 Thu 502 B
20220901 Thu 502 A
20220901 Thu 502 A
20220901 Thu 502 A
20220901 Thu 502 A

but the Event List has an earlier start time of 500,
so I want to add a row with a start time of 500 above 502.

Date Week StartTime Type
20220901 Thu 500 ADD
20220901 Thu 502 B
20220901 Thu 502 B
20220901 Thu 502 A
20220901 Thu 502 A
20220901 Thu 502 A
20220901 Thu 502 A

Also, the Master sheet has start times of 1650 and 1815,

Date Week StartTime Type
20220901 Thu 1650 A
20220901 Thu 1650 A
20220901 Thu 1815 A
20220901 Thu 1815 A

but the event list has 1753 in between, so add a row with a start time of 1753 above 1815.

Date Week StartTime Type
20220901 Thu 1650 A
20220901 Thu 1650 A
20220901 Thu 1753 ADD
20220901 Thu 1815 A
20220901 Thu 1815 A

Also add 2734-2855 under 2629

Date Week StartTime Type
20220901 Thu 2629 A
20220901 Thu 2734 ADD
20220901 Thu 2737 ADD
20220901 Thu 2825 ADD
20220901 Thu 2855 ADD

I want this to be inserted in an iterative process for all dates on the Master sheet,

and eventually the rows will be added as on the Master(Expected) sheet.

It would be too much work to write everything out,
so the Master(Expected) sheet only contains one day.

Did I get my point across to you to some extent?
I am sorry that I am not good at English and do not understand your detailed intention.

P.S. (again)


Thank you for your reply.
I was on deadline for another job yesterday.

I was going to send you the file today.
Thank you for working on it first.

Your VBA source code is very close to what I want to do,
but not quite finished yet.

The VBA source code you provided is very difficult to me.
I can’t figure out what changes I need to make to make it the way I want it.

I ran the test code and it seems to be ignoring the day of the week values and simply taking the start time values from the EventLists sheet as a unique array and inserting it into the Master sheet.

I would like to use the day of the week as a key and insert a row for each day of the week

and for each start time that does not exist on the Master sheet.

I’m not sure how to write this in VBA.

I will write what I want to do in PHP source code.

The code below is an image, it will not actually work in a PHP environment.

function getStartTimesGroupByWeekNameFromEventLists()
  $arr = array(
    "Mon" => array("500","502","510","606","630","800","930","1025","1130","1145","1155","1355","1455","1550","1650","1753","1815","1900","2000","2100","2154","2200","2300","2359","2454","2559","2739","2742","2842")
    "Tue" => array("500","502","510","606","630","800","930","1025","1130","1145","1155","1355","1455","1550","1650","1753","1815","1900","1954","2000","2100","2154","2200","2300","2359","2454","2524","2529","2559","2719")
    "Wed" => array("500","502","510","606","630","800","930","1025","1130","1145","1155","1355","1455","1550","1650","1753","1815","1900","1954","2000","2100","2154","2200","2300","2359","2454","2524","2529","2535","2637","2704","2707","2737","2837")
    "Thu" => array("500","502","510","606","630","800","930","1025","1130","1145","1155","1355","1455","1550","1650","1753","1815","1900","1954","2000","2100","2154","2200","2300","2359","2454","2559","2629","2734","2737","2825","2855")
    "Fri" => array("500","502","510","606","630","800","930","1025","1125","1130","1145","1155","1355","1455","1550","1650","1753","1815","1900","1956","2054","2100","2254","2300","2330","2430","2459","2505","2558","2604","2631","2640","2643","2815","2845")
    "Sat" => array("515","530","628","800","925","1125","1135","1145","1155","1254","1500","1600","1700","1730","1800","1830","1900","1956","2054","2100","2154","2200","2254","2300","2330","2355","2455","2458","2528","2558","2628","2653","2657","2700","2730","2835")
    "Sun" => array("505","535","600","615","630","700","730","955","1025","1055","1125","1135","1140","1235","1330","1500","1630","1730","1800","1855","1900","1958","2054","2100","2154","2200","2230","2325","2355","2455","2525","2532","2537","2639","2719","2722","2726","2756","2856")
  return $arr;

function getUniqueStartTimesFromMaster($mstRows)
  //$startTimes = array_column($mstRows, "startTimes");
  //$uniqueStartTimes = array_unique($startTimes);
  //return $uniqueStartTimes;

  // [example] 20220901 rows (row 2 To 95)
  $startTimes = array("502","502","502","502","502","502","510","510","606","606","630","630","630","630","800","800","930","930","1025","1025","1025","1025","1025","1025","1025","1025","1130","1130","1130","1130","1145","1145","1155","1155","1155","1155","1155","1155","1155","1155","1355","1355","1355","1355","1455","1455","1455","1455","1550","1550","1550","1550","1550","1550","1550","1550","1650","1650","1650","1650","1815","1815","1815","1815","1954","1954","2000","2000","2154","2154","2200","2200","2359","2359","2454","2454","2454","2454","2454","2454","2559","2559","2559","2559","2629","2629","2629","2629","2629","2629","2629","2629","2629","2629");
  $uniqueStartTimes = ("502","510","606","630","800","930","1025","1130","1145","1155","1355","1455","1550","1650","1815","1954","2000","2154","2200","2359","2454","2559","2629");
  return $uniqueStartTimes;

function getMasterRows()
  $arr = array(
    0    => array("Row" => 2,    "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "502",  "Type" => "B"),
    1    => array("Row" => 3,    "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "502",  "Type" => "B"),
    2    => array("Row" => 4,    "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "502",  "Type" => "A"),
    96   => array("Row" => 94,   "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "2629", "Type" => "A"),
    97   => array("Row" => 95,   "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "2629", "Type" => "A"),
    98   => array("Row" => 96,   "Date" => "20220902", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "502",  "Type" => "B"),
    99   => array("Row" => 97,   "Date" => "20220902", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "502",  "Type" => "B"),
    2594 => array("Row" => 2596, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2604", "Type" => "A"),
    2595 => array("Row" => 2597, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2631", "Type" => "B"),
    2596 => array("Row" => 2598, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2631", "Type" => "B"),
  return $arr;

function getRowsGroupByDatesFromMaster()
  $mstRows = getMasterRows();
  $arr = array(
    "20220901" => array(
      0 => array("Row" => 2, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "502", "Type" => "B"),
      1 => array("Row" => 3, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "502", "Type" => "B"),
      96 => array("Row" => 94, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "2629", "Type" => "A"),
      97 => array("Row" => 95, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "2629", "Type" => "A"),
    "20220902" => array(
      0  => array("Row" => 96, "Date" => "20220902", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "502", "Type" => "B"),
      1  => array("Row" => 97, "Date" => "20220902", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "502", "Type" => "B"),
      85 => array("Row" => 181, "Date" => "20220902", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2631", "Type" => "B"),
      86 => array("Row" => 182, "Date" => "20220902", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2631", "Type" => "B"),
    "20220930" => array(
      0  => array("Row" => 2512, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "502", "Type" => "B"),
      1  => array("Row" => 2513, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "502", "Type" => "B"),
      85 => array("Row" => 2597, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2631", "Type" => "B"),
      86 => array("Row" => 2598, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2631", "Type" => "B"),
  return $arr;

function getMergedMasterRows()
  // I didn't real count So Row number and index is wrong maybe
  $arr = array(
    0 => array("Row" => 2, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "500", "Type" => "ADD"),
    1 => array("Row" => 3, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "502", "Type" => "B"),
    2 => array("Row" => 4, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "502", "Type" => "B"),
    59 => array("Row" => 61, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "1650", "Type" => "A"),
    60 => array("Row" => 62, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "1650", "Type" => "A"),
    61 => array("Row" => 63, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "1753", "Type" => "ADD"),
    62 => array("Row" => 64, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "1815", "Type" => "A"),
    63 => array("Row" => 65, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "1815", "Type" => "A"),
    64 => array("Row" => 66, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "1815", "Type" => "A"),
    65 => array("Row" => 67, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "1815", "Type" => "A"),
    66 => array("Row" => 68, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "1900", "Type" => "ADD"),
    67 => array("Row" => 69, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "1954", "Type" => "B"),
    68 => array("Row" => 70, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "1954", "Type" => "B"),
    100 => array("Row" => 98, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "2629", "Type" => "A"),
    101 => array("Row" => 99, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "2734", "Type" => "ADD"),
    102 => array("Row" => 100, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "2737", "Type" => "ADD"),
    103 => array("Row" => 101, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "2825", "Type" => "ADD"),
    104 => array("Row" => 102, "Date" => "20220901", "Week" => "Thu", "StartTime" => "2855", "Type" => "ADD"),
    105 => array("Row" => 103, "Date" => "20220902", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "500", "Type" => "ADD"),
    106 => array("Row" => 104, "Date" => "20220902", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "502", "Type" => "B"),
    107 => array("Row" => 105, "Date" => "20220902", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "502", "Type" => "B"),
    2795 => array("Row" => 2797, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2631", "Type" => "B"),
    2796 => array("Row" => 2798, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2631", "Type" => "B"),
    2797 => array("Row" => 2799, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2640", "Type" => "ADD"),
    2798 => array("Row" => 2800, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2643", "Type" => "ADD"),
    2799 => array("Row" => 2801, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2815", "Type" => "ADD"),
    2800 => array("Row" => 2802, "Date" => "20220930", "Week" => "Fri", "StartTime" => "2845", "Type" => "ADD"),
  return $arr;

$mstRowsByDates = getRowsGroupByDatesFromMaster();
$evtStartTimeGroups = getStartTimesGroupByWeekNameFromEventLists();

$newRows = array();
foreach($mstRowsByDates as $mstDate => $mstRows){
  $mstRowWeekName = $mstRows[0]["Week"]; // e.g. "Thu"

  $evtStartTimes = getStartTimesByWeekNameFromEventLists($mstRowWeekName); // e.g. array("500","502","510","606","630","800","930","1025","1130","1145","1155","1355","1455","1550","1650","1753","1815","1900","1954","2000","2100","2154","2200","2300","2359","2454","2559","2629","2734","2737","2825","2855");
  $mstStartTimes = getUniqueStartTimesFromMaster($mstRows); // e.g. array("502","510","606","630","800","930","1025","1130","1145","1155","1355","1455","1550","1650","1815","1954","2000","2154","2200","2359","2454","2559","2629");

  $rowNum = 0;
  foreach($mstRows as $mstRow){
    // if current start time is not in event lists start times each days
    // like Thursday 500, 1753, 1900, 2100, 2300, 2734, 2737, 2825, 2855
    if(in_array($mstRow["StartTime"], $evtStartTimes) === false){
      $newRow = array(
        "Row" => $rowNum,
        "Date" => $mstRow["Date"],
        "Week" => $mstRow["Week"],
        "StartTime" => $mstRow["StartTime"],
        "Type" => "ADD"

      $newRows[] = $newRow;


$newRows = getMergedMasterRows();

foreach($newRows as $newRow){
  $row = $newRow["Row"];
  Cells($row, 1).Value = $newRow["Date"]
  Cells($row, 2).Value = $newRow["Week"]
  Cells($row, 3).Value = $newRow["StartTime"]
  Cells($row, 4).Value = $newRow["Type"]

I hope this code conveys to you what I want to do…
Sorry for the poor explanation.

P.S (again 2)


Thank you for your quick reply, I tried the new code you posted.
It did not work as I expected.

My test procedure was as follows:

  1. copy the Master sheet and rename it to Master_copy sheet
  2. copy the MasterOrig sheet and rename it to Master sheet
  3. Paste the sample VBA code and execute the appendPositionToMaster procedure.
  4. confirm that there is no difference between the Master_copy sheet and the Master sheet after the dialog is completed.

I have now confirmed that the code you presented works fine in my environment.

What is not the expected result,
For example, row 9 and row 12-15.
20220901 Thu 505 Add and 515,530,535,600 are in there.

enter image description here

If you look at the list of Thursday start times on the EventLists sheet, you’ll see that there are no times such as 5:05 or 5:15 in there anywhere.

enter image description here

The missing times on the Master sheet what I wanted to insert
It’s like 5:00 and 17:53 in Thursday,
which are painted with a yellow background on the EventLists sheet.

enter image description here

So it is correct that 20220901 Thu 500 Add is inserted on row 2 or 20220901 Thu 1753 Add on line 73, but
It is incorrect that it is in other places.

I have sent you what I expect to see in the file.
I checked on the records from 9/1 to 9/4.

You are my only hope now…
Hopefully I will be able to give you something in return.
Could you do me a favor?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    By referring to your answers, I have solved this problem.

    Instead of overwriting the Master sheet,

    I decided to output to a separate sheet called Output sheet.

    Option Explicit
    ' Masterシートをベースにして、Outputシートを作成する
    ' Masterシートに存在せず、EventListsシートに存在する開始時刻を行追加する
    Public Sub AddPositionToOutput()
      Dim ws As Worksheet         'EventLists
      Dim ws2 As Worksheet        'Master
      Dim ws3 As Worksheet        'Output
      Dim lastRowNum As Long      'EventLists 最終行
      Dim lastRowNum2 As Long     'Master 最終行
      Dim weekName As String      '曜日 (EventLists)
      Dim prevWeekName As String  '前回曜日 (EventLists)
      Dim startTime As Variant    '開始時刻[h:mm] (EventLists)
      Dim startTimeL As Long      '開始時刻[hmm] (EventLists)
      Dim startTimeL2 As Long     '開始時刻[hmm] (Master)
      Dim masterDate As Long      '日付 (Master)
      Dim prevMasterDate As Long  '前回日付 (Master)
      Dim weekName2 As String     '曜日 (Master)
      Dim key As Variant
      Dim wrow As Long            '行番号 (EventLists)
      Dim wrow2 As Long           '行番号 (Master)
      Dim wrow3 As Long           '行番号 (Output)
      Dim startRowDic As Object   '開始行番号 (曜日単位)
      Dim endRowDic As Object     '終了行番号 (曜日単位)
      Dim startRow As Long        '開始行番号 (EventLists)
      Dim endRow As Long          '終了行番号 (EventLists)
      Dim currentRow As Long      '処理中行番号 (EventLists)
      Set startRowDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
      Set endRowDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
      Set ws  = Worksheets("EventLists")
      Set ws2 = Worksheets("Master")
      Set ws3 = Worksheets("Output")
      ' A列の最終行番号を取得
      lastRowNum = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
      lastRowNum2 = ws2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
      ' EventListsシート 行単位でループ
      prevWeekName = ""
      For wrow = 2 To lastRowNum
        ' L列(fix_week_name) の値を取得
        weekName = ws.Cells(wrow, "L").Value
        ' M列(fix_start_time) の値を取得
        startTime = ws.Cells(wrow, "M").Value
        ' M列(fix_start_time) の値をセミコロンなしの数値に変換する(0.208333333 -> "5:00" -> 500)
        If startTime > 1 Then
          ' 24時00分を過ぎる時間の時
          startTimeL = Val(Format(startTime - 1, "hmm")) + 2400
          startTimeL = Val(Format(startTime, "hmm"))
        End If
        If weekName <> prevWeekName Then
          startRowDic(weekName) = wrow
        End If
        endRowDic(weekName) = wrow
        '開始時刻 (数値)を設定
        ws.Cells(wrow, "Q").Value = startTimeL
        prevWeekName = weekName
      wrow3 = 1
      wrow2 = 1
      Call putMaster(ws2, wrow2, ws3, wrow3)   'Master1行出力
      ' Masterシート 行単位でループ
      prevMasterDate = 0
      endRow = -1
      currentRow = 0
      For wrow2 = 2 To lastRowNum2
        ' A列の日付を取得
        masterDate = ws2.Cells(wrow2, "A").Value
        ' B列(曜日) の値を取得
        weekName2 = ws2.Cells(wrow2, "B").Value
        ' C列(開始時刻) の値を取得
        startTimeL2 = ws2.Cells(wrow2, "C").Value
        If prevMasterDate <> masterDate Then
          Call flushEventLists(prevMasterDate, ws, currentRow, endRow, ws3, wrow3)
          startRow = startRowDic(weekName2)
          endRow = endRowDic(weekName2)
          currentRow = startRow
        End If
        If currentRow <= endRow Then
          startTimeL = ws.Cells(currentRow, "Q").Value
          If startTimeL2 >= startTimeL Then
            Call putPastEventLists(masterDate, startTimeL2, ws, currentRow, endRow, ws3, wrow3)
          End If
        End If
        Call putMaster(ws2, wrow2, ws3, wrow3)
        prevMasterDate = masterDate
      Call flushEventLists(prevMasterDate, ws, currentRow, endRow, ws3, wrow3)
      MsgBox ("処理が完了しました。次のステップに進んでください")
    End Sub
    ' Master 1行出力
    Private Sub putMaster(ws2 As Worksheet, wrow2 As Long, ws3 As Worksheet, wrow3)
      ws3.Range("A" & wrow3).Resize(, 8).Value = ws2.Range("A" & wrow2).Resize(, 8).Value   'A~H
      wrow3 = wrow3 + 1
    End Sub
    ' 残EventLists 出力
    Private Sub flushEventLists(ByVal msdate As Long, ws As Worksheet, currentRow As Long, endRow As Long, ws3 As Worksheet, wrow3 As Long)
      Dim wrow As Long
      For wrow = currentRow To endRow
        Call putEventLists(msdate, ws, wrow, ws3, wrow3)   '1行出力
    End Sub
    ' Master時刻より小さい時刻のEventListsを出力
    ' MasterとEventListsの時刻が同じ場合は出力しない
    Private Sub putPastEventLists(ByVal msdate As Long, ByVal mstime As Long, ws As Worksheet, currentRow As Long, endRow As Long, ws3 As Worksheet, wrow3 As Long)
      Dim stTime As Long
        If currentRow > endRow Then Exit Do
        stTime = ws.Cells(currentRow, "Q").Value
        If mstime < stTime Then Exit Do
        If mstime > stTime Then
          Call putEventLists(msdate, ws, currentRow, ws3, wrow3)   '1行出力
        End If
        currentRow = currentRow + 1
    End Sub
    ' EventLists 1行出力
    Private Sub putEventLists(ByVal msdate As Long, ws As Worksheet, ByVal wrow As Long, ws3 As Worksheet, wrow3 As Long)
      ws3.Cells(wrow3, "A").Value = msdate                     '日付
      ws3.Cells(wrow3, "B").Value = ws.Cells(wrow, "L").Value  '曜日
      ws3.Cells(wrow3, "C").Value = ws.Cells(wrow, "Q").Value  '時刻
      ws3.Cells(wrow3, "D").Value = "ADD"                      '種別
      ws3.Range("E" & wrow3).Resize(, 4).Value = ws.Range("F" & wrow).Resize(, 4).Value
      wrow3 = wrow3 + 1
    End Sub

    Thanks to your answers, I was able to meet the deadline.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  2. I wrote the following code. It works for the given example data. I am not 100% sure that I understand your question but if you could give me some advice on what you wanted more, I can update it accordingly.

    Sub AddMissingStartTime()
        Dim wsMaster As Worksheet
        Dim wsLists As Worksheet
        Dim lastrowMaster As Long
        Dim lastrowLists As Long
        Dim key0 As String
        Dim key1 As String
        Dim d0 As Date
        Dim d1 As Date
        Dim t0 As Date
        Dim t1 As Date
        Dim t0str As String
        Dim t1str As String
        Dim i As Long
        Dim rngInsert As Range
        Set wsMaster = Worksheets("Master")
        Set wsLists = Worksheets("EventList")
        With wsMaster
            lastrowMaster = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
            For i = 2 To lastrowMaster
                key0 = .Cells(i, "A").Value
                d0 = .Cells(i, "A").Value
                t0 = .Cells(i, "C").Value
                With wsLists
                    lastrowLists = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
                    For j = 2 To lastrowLists
                        key1 = .Cells(j, "A").Value
                        d1 = .Cells(j, "A").Value
                        t1 = .Cells(j, "C").Value
                        If key0 = key1 Then
                            t0str = Format(t0, "HH:mm")
                            t1str = Format(t1, "HH:mm")
                            If t0str &lt;&gt; t1str Then
                                If t0str &lt; t1str Then
                                    Set rngInsert = .Range("C" &amp; j)
                                    .Cells(j, "C") = t0
                                    .Cells(j, "D") = "ADD"
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                End With
        End With
    End Sub
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  3. Please test the next solution and send some feedback.

    It uses a dictionary to firstly extract the unique StartTime values in the necessary format and then keep the rows number to be inserted for each case. The code should be fast enough, most of processing being done in memory, using arrays. I commented all code lines which could not be easily understood:

    Sub appendPositionToMaster()
     Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, wsM As Worksheet, lastR As Long, lastRM As Long
     Dim arrT, arrDic, arrM, mtch, i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, L As Long, dict As Object
     Dim rngMT As Range, arrRows, rngIns As Range, boolFirst As Boolean, boolFirstLine As Boolean
     Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
     Set ws = wb.Worksheets("EventLists")
     'search for "Master(Expected)" sheet existence and delete it if exists:
     For Each wsM In wb.Worksheets
         If = "Master(Expected)" Then
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False   'to not ask for deletion confirmation
                wsM.Delete: Exit For            'delete  "Master(Expected)"  if it exists
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
         End If
     Next wsM
     'A little optimization to make the code faster:
     Application.ScreenUpdating = False: Application.EnableEvents = False: Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
      On Error GoTo SafeEnding 'reset optimization in case of an error...
      wb.Worksheets("Master").Copy Before:=wb.Worksheets("Master") 'copy "Master" sheet before itself.
   = "Master(Expected)"
       Set wsM = wb.Worksheets("Master(Expected)")
      lastR = ws.Range("A" & ws.rows.count).End(xlUp).row
      lastRM = wsM.Range("A" & wsM.rows.count).End(xlUp).row
      arrM = wsM.Range("A2:C" & lastRM).Value2 'place the rangge in an array for faster iteration
      arrT = ws.Range("C2:C" & lastR).Value2   'the Time column array (from EventLists)
      'place UNIQUE time records from EventLists in dictionary, as keys:
      Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'create the dictionary
      For i = 1 To UBound(arrT)
            dict(val(Replace(arrT(i, 1), ":", ""))) = 1
      Next i
      arrDic = dict.Keys: dict.RemoveAll   'place the dictionary keys in an array and empty the dictionary to reuse it
      BubbleSort arrDic 'sort the array Ascending
      Debug.Print Join(arrDic, "|"): 'just to visually see in Immediate Window the array of UNIQUE reference time values
      Set rngMT = wsM.Range("C2:C" & lastRM) 'The range of StartTime from Master
      For i = 0 To UBound(arrDic)                          'iterate between the UNIQUE time values from EventLists
            mtch = Application.match(arrDic(i), rngMT, 0)  'check if the time value exists in Master C:C column
            If IsError(mtch) Then                          'if it does not exist:
                For j = 1 To UBound(arrM)                  'iterate between arrM elements:
                    If arrM(j, 3) > arrDic(i) Then         'if iterated time value is greater than the time value from the array:
                        If j = 1 Then                      'only if first array row is greater than reference time:
                            dict(arrDic(i)) = dict(arrDic(i)) & "|" & j + 1 'create the dictionary key as time value and item as row number
                            boolFirstLine = True                            'variable used to copy format for the second row (as header, after inserting a row)
                        End If
                        For k = 2 To UBound(arrM)                      'iterating again between the arrM items:
                            If arrM(k, 3) = arrM(j, 3) And arrM(k, 3) <> arrM(k - 1, 3) Then 'find the case of the reference value first occurrence
                                dict(arrDic(i)) = dict(arrDic(i)) & "|" & k + 1                             'add the row number to the dictionary item
                            End If
                        Next k
                        arrRows = Split(dict(arrDic(i)), "|")              'place the dictionary current processed item in an array
                        arrRows(0) = "$$##": arrRows = filter(arrRows, "$$##", False)  'eliminate the first (empty) array element
                        Set rngIns = wsM.Range("A" & Join(arrRows, ",A"))              'build the range of rows numbers to be inserted at once
                        rngIns.EntireRow.Insert                                                                    'insert all the necessary rows per reference value, at once
                        If boolFirstLine Then                                                        'in case of an insertion of the second row:
                            boolFirstLine = False                                                    'reinitialize the boolean variable to work only once
     'copy the format of the third range
                            wsM.Range("A2").PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats     'and paste it in the second row
                        End If
                        lastRM = wsM.Range("A" & wsM.rows.count).End(xlUp).row  'recalculate the last row after rows insertion
                        arrM = wsM.Range("A2:D" & lastRM).Value2                      
        'place the necessary range in an array, for faster processing
                        Set rngMT = wsM.Range("C2:C" & lastRM)                                  'reset the reference range
                        For L = 1 To UBound(arrM)                                                                        'iterate between the array rows, to find the empty ones:
                                If arrM(L, 1) = "" Then                                                                        'if the row is empty:
                                    If Not boolFirst Then                                                                      'first time (second row) the necessary data are copied from below
                                        arrM(L, 1) = CStr(arrM(L + 1, 1)): arrM(L, 2) = arrM(L + 1, 2)
                                        arrM(L, 3) = arrDic(i): arrM(L, 4) = "Add"
                                        boolFirst = True 'reinitialize the boolean variable
                                    Else                                                                                                   'for the next times the necessary data are copied from above
                                        arrM(L, 1) = CStr(arrM(L + 1, 1)): arrM(L, 2) = arrM(L + 1, 2)
                                        arrM(L, 3) = arrDic(i): arrM(L, 4) = "Add"
                                    End If
                                End If
                        Next L
                        'drop the content of the processed array at once:
                        wsM.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arrM), UBound(arrM, 2)) = arrM
                        Exit For    'exit the loop
                    End If
                Next j
            End If
      Next i
      MsgBox "Ready..."
      Application.ScreenUpdating = True: Application.EnableEvents = True: Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    End Sub
    Private Sub BubbleSort(arr)  'function to sort a 1D array
        Dim i As Long, j As Long, temp
        For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) - 1
            For j = i + 1 To UBound(arr)
                If arr(i) > arr(j) Then
                    temp = arr(i): arr(i) = arr(j)
                    arr(j) = temp
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
    End Sub
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