It is the first time to use phalcon framwork .I followed the tutorials on the internet to install and It was easy but It fails and I can’t run phalcon framework.
Can anybody help me?
my php version is v 7.4.25
Another question:
what is the difference in phalcon versions (ts-nts)?
The last stable release of Phalcon is version 4.1.2 and it supports up to PHP 7.4, but does not support PHP 8. The Phalcon dev team are working on Phalcon 5.0 and that release, which will support PHP8, which is currently available as a "release candidate". They hope to have the final release out in a few weeks.
In order to get the version 4.1.2 of Phalcon installed on our Ubuntu Linux (20.04 and 22.04) server, we had to compile from source.
You can find the commands compile from source for Linux servers here:
For Windows 10, to install Phalcon 4.1.2, you must:
You can find the full instructions here. In Windows you do not need to compile anything.