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How do I sort according to the second data? The sorting works only on the ID. But in my table, I added a badge count and that’s what I want to sort by.

Here is my controller

    return DataTables::of($users)
        ->addColumn('Inventories', function ($row) {
            if($row->status != 'Dumped2') {
                return '<a href="'.route('', $row->id).'" class="btn btn-info btn-sm">'.__("Inventories").' <span class="right badge badge-success" title="Total Lost">'.(abs($row->inv_total_lost_qty) ?? 'N/A').'</span> </a>';
        ->addColumn('Returns', function ($row) {
            if($row->status != 'Dumped2') {
                return ' <a href="'.route('', $row->id) .'" class="btn btn-info btn-sm">'.__('Returns').' <span class="right badge badge-warning" title="Total Returns">'.(abs($row->overall_returns_count) ?? 'N/A').'</span> </a>';
        ->addColumn('inbound_shipments', function ($row) {
            if($row->status != 'Dumped2') {
                return '<a href="'. route('', $row->id).'" class="btn btn-info btn-sm">'. __('Inbound Shipments').'<span class="right badge badge-danger" title="Total Overcharged Fees">'. abs($row->shipment_quantity_diff).'</span> </a>';
        ->addColumn('overcharged', function ($row) {
            if($row->status != 'Dumped2') {
                return '<a href="'. route('', $row->id).'" class="btn btn-info btn-sm">'.__('Overcharged Fee') .' <span class="right badge badge-primary" title="Total Overcharged Fees">'.(abs($row->overall_overcharged_fees_count) ?? 'N/A').'</span> </a>';
        ->addColumn('ALL', function ($row) {
            if($row->status != 'Dumped2') {
                $arr = array(abs($row->overall_overcharged_fees_count), abs($row->overall_returns_count), abs($row->inv_total_lost_qty),abs($row->shipment_quantity_diff));
                return array_sum($arr);
        ->addColumn('credentials', function ($row) {
            if($row->status != 'Dumped2') {
                return '<button onclick="set_credentials(this)" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm"> '.__("Set Credentials").'</button>';
        ->addColumn('reim', function ($row) {
            if($row->status != 'Dumped2') {
                return '<a href="'. route('', $row->id).'" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm">'.__('Reimbursements') .'</a>';

return view('admin.clients.index', compact('users'));

The column I want to sort is not $row->id, what I want is the second one like abs($row->overall_returns_count).

And in my Blade code. I wrote something like this:

//Update start
{width: "10%", data: 'ALL', name: 'ALL', orderable: true, searchable: false},
{width: "10%", data: 'Inventories', name: 'Inventories', orderable: true, searchable: false},
{width: "10%", data: 'Returns', name: 'Returns', orderable: true, searchable: false},
{width: "15%", data: 'inbound_shipments', name: 'Inbound Shipments', orderable: true, searchable: false},
{width: "10%", data: 'overcharged', name: 'Overchared Fee', orderable: true, searchable: false},

enter image description here

As you can see, if I click the header, it doesn’t sort the badge. Instead, it sorts the id as you can see in the lower left corner when I hovered the button. (id starting in 2)

System details
Operating System Windows 10

PHP Version 7.2

Laravel Version 6.0

Laravel-Datatables Version ^9.6



  1. What is your data source? if your data source is laravel collection, you should render on the JavaScript when init datatable using render: function (data, action, row). Should be like:

        width: "10%", data: 'overall_returns_count', name: 'overall_returns_count', orderable: true, searchable: false,
        render: function (data, action, row) {
            if (row.status != 'Dumped2') {
                return ' <a href="/admin/client/' + + '" class="btn btn-info btn-sm">' +
                    'Returns <span class="right badge badge-warning" title="Total Returns">' + (Math.abs(data)) +
                    '</span> </a>';

    If your data source is query builder, you can render using PHP, but you should use editColumn instead ofaddColumn. example:

        ->editColumn('overall_returns_count', function ($row) {
            if($row->status != 'Dumped2') {
                return ' <a href="'.route('', $row->id) .'" class="btn btn-info btn-sm">'.__('Returns').' <span class="right badge badge-warning" title="Total Returns">'.(abs($row->overall_returns_count) ?? 'N/A').'</span> </a>';

    then in js columns :

    {width: "10%", data: 'overall_returns_count', name: 'overall_returns_count', orderable: true, searchable: false},

    PHP render works only if you are using eloquent/DB query builder as data source , but JS render
    works on all data source including Laravel Collection and eloquent builder.

    Just for your information, Yajra Datatable is support multiple data source including Collection and Query Builder. Sometime if you use Collection as data source will make slow perfomance and some feature look messy, so I recommend you using Query Builder as data source.

    this will return Collection :

    $users = User::withCount('overall_returns')->get(); 

    this will return Query Builder:

    $users = User::withCount('overall_returns'); 
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  2. Try adding data-order attribute in row as below

    if($row->status != 'Dumped2') {
        return ' <a href="'.route('', $row->id) .'" class="btn btn-info btn-sm">'.__('Returns').' <span class="right badge badge-warning" data-order = '.abs($row->overall_returns_count) ?? '0'.' title="Total Returns">'.(abs($row->overall_returns_count) ?? 'N/A').'</span> </a>';
    Login or Signup to reply.
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