Hello and thank you for taking your time to read this! Now to get straight to the point, I am using MAMP PRO 6 for school and recently we had to install Composer through the terminal. Upon closer inspection php -v
revealed that I am not using the MAMP’s php version with Xdebug but rather the pre-installed php version that comes with macOS. I have enabled Activate command line shortcuts for the selected PHP version, pear & pecl
but this is not working. I’m on the latest Big Sur update and looking for a possible fix.
MAMP PRO is working with the exception of command line shortcut.
The issue is that my .profile is not being loaded automatically , current workaround is doing
source ~/.profile
and then confirming the location and version withwhich php
andphp -v
.Update: This did it for me https://stackoverflow.com/a/56236178/14612433
Depending on the shell you use (bash, zsh, check your OS) just add "source ~/.profile" to your bash, zsh-or other profile. MAMP PRO 6 recreates the .profile when changing php versions.
Check the "composer"-link in the UI and everything should work just fine. Don’t forget to start a new terminal session though. Otherwise the old configuration (with the old php and more) stays active.
~/.profile is not being read. You have to define a ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc or something. In that profile that is read by the shell you put the "source"-statement.