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I am using webamp to show the map created in ArcGIS (Javascript API in PHP website). In the map, a popup also appears when clicking on the layer’s points. Recently I have updated the version 4.14 from 4.13. After updating it, the popup is not working properly. I have a custom popup template. After research in the documentation, I came to know there required a return function to show the custom div on the popup. The below code I have added to show my custom popups.

var template = { content: function(){ var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "myClass"; div.innerHTML = "<span>My custom content!</span>"; return div; } }

layers[layerIndex].popupTemplate = template;

Now the popup appears fine. But I have to show the field values on the popup. I have used the required field attributes in double brackets eg: {Name}. But in the latest version, the field values are not appearing when I used the same.

The code I have used in version 4.13 and it was working,

popupTemplate = {
title: "{Name}",
content: '<div id="popup_address">{Address}</div><div class="right"><div href="#" id="popupRight" class="toggle"><p onClick="openPopupDetails({FACILITYID})">+</p></div></div>' };

layers[layerIndex].popupTemplate = popupTemplate;

Please help me to fix this issue.


The complete code for the Webmap and custom popup

// The map classes and includ1a65d527bfd04cc180c87edf0908907bes
], function(MapView, WebMap, Search, Zoom, Locate) {
  var webmap = new WebMap({
    portalItem: {
      id: "d1ca798d8c7d4afab8983d911df8326b"

  var view = new MapView({
    map: webmap,
    container: "map",
    center: [-95.9406, 41.26],
    zoom: 16,
    maxZoom: 21,
    minZoom: 13,
    basemap: "topo",

    ui: {
      components: ["attribution"]

    .then(function() {
      return webmap.basemap.load();
    .then(function() {
      let allLayers = webmap.allLayers;

      var promises = {
        return layer.load();
      return Promise.all(promises.toArray());
    .then(function(layers) {
      // Position of the popup in relation to the selected feature.
      view.popup.alignment = "top-center";
      // To disable the collapse functionality
      view.popup.collapseEnabled = false;
      // A spinner appear at the pointer
      view.popup.spinnerEnabled = false;
      // To disable the dock (The popup will be appear in bottom or any corner of the window)
      view.popup.dockEnabled = false;
      // Disable the pagination
      view.popup.featureNavigationEnabled = false;
      // Popup template details, Keep only name and address in the popup and avoid all other details
      view.popup.viewModel.actions.getItemAt(0).visible = false;

      // view.on("click", function(event) {
      // keep a delay to align the popup and the pointer together positioned to the map center
      // Add animation only if the browser not IE
      // });

      layers.forEach(function(popupLayers, layerIndex) {

        var template = {
          title: "{Name}",
          content: function() {
            var div = document.createElement("div");
            div.className = "myClass";
            div.innerHTML = "<span>{Address}</span>";
            return div;
        layers[layerIndex].popupTemplate = template;

        // popupTemplate = {
        //   title: "{Name}",
        //   content:
        //     '<div id="popup_address">{Address}</div><div class="right"><div href="#" id="popupRight" class="toggle"><p onClick="openPopupDetails({FACILITYID})">+</p></div></div>'
        // };
        // layers[layerIndex].popupTemplate = popupTemplate;

      // To close the popup when hit on esc button
      document.onkeyup = function(evt) {
        var key = evt.keyCode;
        if (key == 27) {
    .catch(function(error) {
      //   console.log(error);


    <meta charset="utf-8" />

<title>Load a basic WebMap - 4.14</title>

      #map {
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;


    <script src=""></script>
<script src="map.js"></script>

    <div id="map"></div>

I have modified the code,

 for (let i = 2; i < layers.length; i++) {
        var template = {
          title: "{Name}",
          content: function() {
            var div = document.createElement("div");
            div.innerHTML =
              '<div id="popup_address">{Address}</div><div class="right"><div href="#" id="popupRight" class="toggle"><p onClick="openPopupDetails({FACILITYID})">+</p></div></div>';
            return div;
        layers[i].popupTemplate = template;

When I apply custom div, the {Address} part is not rendering. It appears like {Address} itself.



  1. I think you are a bit confuse, you still can use a string, or you can use a function for the content of the popup template. So if you want to use a function, you can use something like this,

    popupTemplate = {
        title: "{Name}",
        content: popupContentChange
    layers[layerIndex].popupTemplate = template;
    function popupContentChange(feature) {
        let div = document.createElement("div");
        div.className = "myClass";
        div.innerHTML = "<span>"+feature.graphic.attributes.Address+"</span>";
        return div;

    There are several examples in the API documentation, take a look there. Just to reference one, ArcGIS JavaScript API Examples – Intro to Popups

    Here an example I made for you taking your code as base adding some fixes to display what you want.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <title>Sketch Feature Coords</title>
        <script src=""></script>
          #map {
            padding: 0;
            margin: 0;
            height: 100%;
            width: 100%;
          ], function(MapView, WebMap, Search, Zoom, Locate) {
            var webmap = new WebMap({
              portalItem: {
                id: "d1ca798d8c7d4afab8983d911df8326b"
            var view = new MapView({
              map: webmap,
              container: "map",
              center: [-95.9406, 41.26],
              zoom: 16,
              maxZoom: 21,
              minZoom: 13,
              basemap: "topo",
              ui: {
                components: ["attribution"]
              .then(function() {
                return webmap.basemap.load();
              .then(function() {
                let allLayers = webmap.allLayers;
                var promises = {
                  return layer.load();
                return Promise.all(promises.toArray());
              .then(function(layers) {
                // Position of the popup in relation to the selected feature.
                view.popup.alignment = "top-center";
                // To disable the collapse functionality
                view.popup.collapseEnabled = false;
                // A spinner appear at the pointer
                view.popup.spinnerEnabled = false;
                // To disable the dock (The popup will be appear in bottom or any corner of the window)
                view.popup.dockEnabled = false;
                // Disable the pagination
                view.popup.featureNavigationEnabled = false;
                // Popup template details, Keep only name and address in the popup and avoid all other details
                view.popup.viewModel.actions.getItemAt(0).visible = false;
                // it is only going to work on the last two layers
                // those are the one that have fields: Name and Address
                for (let i = 2; i < layers.length; i++) {
                  var template = {
                    title: "{Name}",
                    content: "<span>Address: {Address}</span>"
                  layers[i].popupTemplate = template;
                // To close the popup when hit on esc button
                document.onkeyup = function(evt) {
                  var key = evt.keyCode;
                  if (key == 27) {
              .catch(function(error) {
        <div id="map"></div>

    If you want to use a function as content, you have to set the outFields parameter to include the fields you want to use in the function. The selected feature is pass as a parameter to the function, and inside you use feature.graphic.attributes to access the attributes. This should work,

    var template = {
        title: "{Name}",
        // content: "<span>Address: {Address}</span>"
        content: function(feature) {
            var div = document.createElement("div");
            div.className = "myClass";
            div.innerHTML = "<span>Address:"+feature.graphic.attributes.Address+"</span>";
            return div;
        outFields: ["Name", "Address"]
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  2. featureNavigationEnabled is deprecated as of version 4.15. Use Popup.visibleElements.featureNavigation instead.

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