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When I want to install composer require laravel/passport in a laravel API, it throws me the following errors:

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - laravel/passport[v11.5.0, ..., v11.8.4] require league/oauth2-server ^8.2 -> satisfiable by league/oauth2-server[8.2.0, ..., 8.5.3].   
    - laravel/passport[v11.8.5, ..., v11.8.8] require lcobucci/jwt ^4.3|^5.0 -> satisfiable by lcobucci/jwt[4.3.0, 5.0.0].
    - league/oauth2-server[8.5.2, ..., 8.5.3] require lcobucci/jwt ^4.3 || ^5.0 -> satisfiable by lcobucci/jwt[4.3.0, 5.0.0].
    - laravel/passport[v0.1.0, ..., v0.2.4, v1.0.0, ..., v1.0.18, v2.0.0, ..., v2.0.11, v3.0.0, ..., v3.0.2, v4.0.0, ..., v4.0.3, v5.0.0, ..., v5.0.3, v6.0.0, ..., v6.0.7, v7.0.0, ..., v7.5.1] require guzzlehttp/guzzle ~6.0 -> found guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.0.0, ..., 6.5.8] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (^7.2).
    - laravel/passport[v8.0.0, ..., v8.5.0, v9.0.0, ..., v9.3.2] require php ^7.2 -> your php version (8.2.0) does not satisfy that requirement.
    - laravel/passport v9.4.0 requires illuminate/auth ^6.18.31|^7.22.4 -> found illuminate/auth[v6.18.31, ..., v6.20.44, v7.22.4, ..., v7.30.6] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
    - laravel/passport[v10.0.0, ..., v10.0.1] require php ^7.3 -> your php version (8.2.0) does not satisfy that requirement.
    - laravel/passport[v10.1.0, ..., v10.2.2] require illuminate/auth ^8.2 -> found illuminate/auth[v8.2.0, ..., v8.83.27] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
    - laravel/passport[v10.3.0, ..., v10.3.2] require illuminate/auth ^8.2|^9.0 -> found illuminate/auth[v8.2.0, ..., v8.83.27, v9.0.0, ..., 
v9.52.10] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
    - laravel/passport[v10.3.3, ..., v10.4.2] require illuminate/auth ^8.37|^9.0 -> found illuminate/auth[v8.37.0, ..., v8.83.27, v9.0.0, ..., v9.52.10] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
    - laravel/passport[v11.0.0, ..., v11.4.0] require illuminate/auth ^9.0 -> found illuminate/auth[v9.0.0, ..., v9.52.10] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
    - league/oauth2-server[8.2.0, ..., 8.5.1] require psr/http-message ^1.0.1 -> found psr/http-message[1.0.1, 1.1] but the package is fixed 
to 2.0 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command. 
    - lcobucci/jwt[4.3.0, 5.0.0] require ext-sodium * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's sodium extension.
    - Root composer.json requires laravel/passport * -> satisfiable by laravel/passport[v0.1.0, ..., v0.2.4, v1.0.0, ..., v1.0.18, v2.0.0, ..., v2.0.11, v3.0.0, v3.0.1, v3.0.2, v4.0.0, v4.0.1, v4.0.2, v4.0.3, v5.0.0, v5.0.1, v5.0.2, v5.0.3, v6.0.0, ..., v6.0.7, v7.0.0, ..., v7.5.1,

To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files:
    - C:xampp3phpphp.ini
You can also run `php --ini` in a terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode.
Alternatively, you can run Composer with `--ignore-platform-req=ext-sodium` to temporarily ignore these required extensions.

Use the option --with-all-dependencies (-W) to allow upgrades, downgrades and removals for packages currently locked to specific versions.   
You can also try re-running composer require with an explicit version constraint, e.g. "composer require laravel/passport:*" to figure out if any version is installable, or "composer require laravel/passport:^2.1" if you know which you need.

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.

the version of php that I use is ^8.1

use the commandcomposer install --ignore-platform-reqs and in the console it showed me the following:

Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
Nothing to install, update or remove
Generating optimized autoload files
> IlluminateFoundationComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
> @php artisan package:discover --ansi

  laravel/sail ....................................................................................................................... DONE  
  laravel/sanctum .................................................................................................................... DONE  
  laravel/tinker ..................................................................................................................... DONE  
  nesbot/carbon ...................................................................................................................... DONE  
  nunomaduro/collision ............................................................................................................... DONE  
  nunomaduro/termwind ................................................................................................................ DONE  
  spatie/laravel-ignition ............................................................................................................ DONE  

82 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!



  1. Try removing both the composer.lock file and the vendor directory, and then run the installation command again

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  2. Enable the sodium extension in your php.ini.

    1. Edit your php.ini file at C:xampp3phpphp.ini
    2. Under Dynamic Extensions add:
    Login or Signup to reply.
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