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Im trying to install maatwebsite/excel for a project and the problem that i have is that when i do it installs the 1.1 version which is unsupported instead of the 3.3. Im currently using Laravel Framework 10.48.4 and PHP 8.2 version.

I need to use the 3.3 version because i need to implement in the project excels import. But when i run the command it appears the following:

enter image description here



  1. your project did not correctly install maatwebsite/excel library. That is the reason you can not run the php artisan make: import command when this error occurs. First, you can try this install maatwebsite/excel using this command:

    composer require maatwebsite/excel –ignore-platform-reqs

    This commands your platform to ignore and install it.

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  2. check if your composer independency are align I suggest to first download the phpspreadsheet after downloading check its version and if the version not suitable for the laravel excel just change it to the needed version

    for example is you download the phpspreadsheet and its version is 1.12 but the required version is 1.21 just change it on composer.json
    1.12 => 1.21 then type composer update

    it will update on the nearest version

    after that you may now install maatwebsite/excel

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