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Whenever I try to install imap for PHP 8.2 with:

sudo apt-get install php8.2-imap

In response I get:

Could not find any package by glob 'php8.2-imap'

I also tried installing it with:

sudo apt-get install php-imap

But then it fetches version for php 7.2 and of course it’s not what I want. I do use ppa ondrej repository and I do work on Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I think I can close this question, since there is no longer need for a solution to my problem. Lately I got new PC and after fresh installation with new system and updated repositories (Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon) it found this repository without a problem.

    My bet is that I had non-updated repositories... But as I stated, it's just a guess.

    In any case folks, remember to keep your repos updated:

    sudo apt-get update


  2. It seems like the package php8.2-imap is not available in the repository you’re currently using. Since you’re using the ondrej repository, you might want to check if there’s a specific package for PHP 8.2 IMAP extension in that repository.

    You can search for available PHP packages in the ondrej repository using the apt-cache search command. Try running:

    apt-cache search php8.2-imap

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