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After transferring our application to the server. The application loaded accordingly. When we tried to login to the app, we received this kind of error. PHP version is 8.2.11 and Laravel 10.29.0. Is there something that we missed during the transfer of the application?

Here is the Code Structure:

namespace AppHttpMiddleware;

use AppProvidersRouteServiceProvider;

use Closure;

use IlluminateHttpRequest;

use IlluminateSupportFacadesAuth;

use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;

class RedirectIfAuthenticated



     * Handle an incoming request.


     * @param  Closure(IlluminateHttpRequest): (SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse)  $next


    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next, string ...$guards): Response


        $guards = empty($guards) ? [null] : $guards;

        foreach ($guards as $guard) {

            if (Auth::guard($guard)->check()) {

                return redirect(RouteServiceProvider::HOME);



        return $next($request);



Thank you for any assistance you can offer.



  1. You didn’t enable PDO extension . In your cpanel select

    SOFTWARE > Select PHP Version

    You see all extensions there , enable these extensions :

    pdo ,mysqlnd , ndmysqli , nd_pdo_mysql

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  2. The error indicates that the app is unable to find the database driver specified in your configuration. This error typically occurs when the database driver is not installed or enabled on the server where your application is hosted.

    Try follow these steps:

    • Check your .env File:
      Make sure that your .env file is correctly configured with the appropriate database driver. The DB_CONNECTION value should be set to a valid database driver, such as mysql, pgsql, sqlite, or sqlsrv, depending on your database choice.
    • Verify Database Extension: Ensure that the necessary PHP extensions for the selected database driver are installed and enabled on your server. For example, if you are using MySQL, you need the PDO extension for MySQL and the MySQLi extension to be enabled in your PHP configuration.
    • Restart Your Web Server: After making changes to your server’s PHP configuration, you may need to restart your web server (e.g., Apache or Nginx) to apply the changes.
    • Clear Configuration Cache: Sometimes, Laravel’s configuration cache can cause issues. To clear the configuration cache, run: php artisan config:clear.
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