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So, i have a folder in "public" where uploaded files goes to.
On server i have the project outside the public_html folder and only the index there.
Already modified the paths to point to the **public_html **folder.
Unfortunally, when i try to upload a file, instead of that file goes to the public_html folder.
Laravel creates a public folder and uploads the files to instead.

When i echoed the public_path() it pointed to where the project is and the public folder inside it instead of pointing to the public_html folder.

Here’s the code:

function saveImageWithName($name,$photo,$folder)
        $file_extension = $photo -> getClientOriginalExtension();
        $file_name = $name . '.' . $file_extension;
        $path = $folder;
        $this->removeImage($path . $file_name);
        $photo -> move($path,$file_name);
        return $file_name;

    function removeImage($path)
        if (!File::exists($path))
            return true;
        return File::delete($path);

Note: i know about the storage. But i need to upload the files to the public folder it self. The one that is public_html.

Not2: .env file. if its on both local or production the same problem happens.

Note3: I Also tried chmoed the folder to 777 and it also didnt fix it.

Note4: The php code above works on other projects with the same php version and laravel version. This is just the first time im facing this problem.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Well, i managed to do a workaround. Since, all the suggestions didnt work at all for me. Although i still dont know exactly what or why this problem even happened.

    So what i have done is as following:

    in index.php file:


    and in my class that handles uploading and storing file i just added ROOT_DIR before the path.

    and it works currently very well.

  2. Don’t use public_path () function, you should use url ()

    public_path (‘public_html/a.jpg’) returns the storage path, for example:

    Url (‘public_html/a.jpg’) returns the access address, for example:

    But I suggest you use filesystem, which can also use public directories instead of storage.

    // laravelProjectconfigfilesystems.php
    'disks' => [
        'local' => [
            'driver' => 'local',
            'root' => storage_path('app'),
            'throw' => false,
        'public_html' => [
            'driver'     => 'local',
            'root'       => public_path('public_html'),     // Pay attention here
            'url'        => env('APP_URL').'/public_html',  
            'visibility' => 'public',
            'throw'      => false,

    If you rename the public directory to public_html, you need to redefine and override the public function

    // in your function file
    function public_path($path = ''){
        return base_path('public_html/' . ltrim($path, '/'));
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