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first things first I have repositories and services in my laravel app.

Main Problem

My main problem is laravel is not compatible with sub-queries and not support them well!

  • I use below versions:

    • laravel v10.16.1
    • php 8.1
  • I have deleted_at, updated_at and created_at columns

Problem with deleted_at

If I use soft delete trait and want deleted_at to handle automatically, when I use sub queries like below, it’ll show me error:

class UserRepository {

    public function getWhere(array $columns, Builder $where)
        $query = $this->model
            ->when($where, function (Builder $query) use ($where) {
                $query->fromSub($where, 'sub');

        return $query->get($columns);

ERROR: `'deleted_at' column does not exists`

Problematic query Example

SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `name`='john') AS `sub` WHERE `users`.`deleted_at` IS NULL

In above query, deleted_at is not exist but it exists in database and this is because of sub-query alias.

I search about it and it seems to be laravel issue some how and finally I removed automatic soft deletes and do it manually like below:

class UserRepository {
    public function getWhere(array $columns, Builder $where)
        $prefix = $this->model->getTable();
        $query = $this->model
            ->when($where, function (Builder $query) use ($where, &$prefix) {
                $prefix = 'sub';
                $query->fromSub($where, $prefix);

        $query->whereNull($prefix . '.deleted_at');

        return $query->get($columns);


What Should I do?

(I hope my explanation is understandable)

Thanks in advanced.


I changed my example because I was doing wrong for update operation and updated_at is not problematic in my case but sub-query and set deleted_at has problem.



  1. I don’t quite understand what you are trying to do, but I think I can help you

    you can just try this

    $query = yourModelName::where('name' , 'john')->get();

    to make this

    SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `name`='john') AS `sub` WHERE `users`.`deleted_at` IS NULL

    If you are trying to bind a foreign key to a primary in laravel try this

    add this to "users" model

    public function post(){
        return $this->hasMany(Post::class);

    and add this to other model "posts"

    public function user(){
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

    then you can get any things you whant from 2 table like this

    $post[0]->title //title of post table
    $post[0]->user->name //name of user table
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  2. Okay, usually when you create a Schema with $table->softDeletes(); it will automatically create the deleted_at column in the table. So I’m not sure why you get deleted_at doesn’t exist.

    An example of a schema is like this.

    public function up()
        Schema::create('able_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->softDeletes();  // This adds the deleted_at column

    After this, you have to run the migration. php artisan migrate if the first time, to drop all and re-run php artisan migrate:fresh

    As well, when use use use SoftDeletes; it will automatically add global scope to all queries, like where deleted_at is null.

    If you use this in the given order, this will work like a piece of cake. Nothing goes wrong and simple as that

    To fix your issue in an alternative way, you can add withoutTrashed() to your query.

    public function getWhere(array $columns, Builder $where)
        $query = $this->model
            ->when($where, function (Builder $query) use ($where) {
                $query->fromSub($where, 'sub');
        return $query->get($columns);

    But consider my first suggestion, Because it’s the proper way to handle it and you don’t have to put extra effort into this.

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