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Php version is 7.1.
I want to initialize class fields with values, but it fails.

Why does php in a class constructor in a field assign the last value?

class Order
    private $yourname;
    private $yourphone;

    public function __construct(string $p_yourname, string $p_yourphone) 
        $this->$yourphone =$p_yourphone;

    echo  $p_yourname;
    echo  $p_yourphone;
    echo  $this->$yourphone;
    echo  $this->$yourname;

call conctructor

$order = new Order( 'Andry', '+79777475675');

Result in echo is: Andry+79777475675AndryAndry



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Clear. The parameter name and the field name in the constructor must be the same. The syntax for assignment in the constructor should be like this $this->yourphone =$yourphone;

    That's right so

    public function __construct(string $yourphone, string $yourname) 
            $this->yourphone =$yourphone;
            echo  $yourphone;
            echo  $yourname;
            echo  $this->$yourphone;
            echo  $this->$yourname;

  2. Correction:

    class Order
        private $yourname;
        private $yourphone;
        public function __construct(string $p_yourname, string $p_yourphone) 
            $this->yourphone =$p_yourphone;
        echo  $p_yourname;
        echo  $p_yourphone;
        echo  $this->yourphone;
        echo  $this->yourname;
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