The PHP version is showing different
php -v showing PHP 7.2.19 while http://localhost/dashboard/phpinfo.php showing 7.1.13, I want 7.2.19, How to solve this issue, Thank you in advance
Question posted in PHP Versions
You can find a list of all versions here.
You can find a list of all versions here.
Hey uninstall all PHP version from your system. and try to install fresh PHP version 7.2.19
it will do it
PHP showing different version on CLI means that Xampp/Wamp is of older version.
You can upgrade them or simply you can uninstall and then re-install PHP again with the desired version.
You might have installed PHP standalone and also have installed Xampp/Wamp together, that`s why there is a mismatch in the PHP version.
If you have installed a fresh wamp or xampp then this should not be the case, plz check the path of PHP environmental variable (command line php -v pick this path) and check the PHP path on the webpage by using phpinfo() and you will get that there are two PHP versions are running.