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I’m try to use max rule set to 2000 in textarea, but I put more than 2000 character the validation is not work for other input fields and the page reload with empty input value the problem still even when I try the number of character less then 2000, when I hit add with empty textarea the required validate is work, I had try also to change max to size and still same problem.

I want to validate textarea with old input value back in next request and if number of character more then 2000 display the error message.
I can use javascript or maxlength attribute in html but want to do it from server side.

The validation failed for all input when textarea have 974 characters

  • Laravel version 6
  • Xampp version 3.2.4
  • Php version 7.3.9


<form method="POST" action="{{ route('', auth()->user()) }}">
    <h6 class="heading-small text-muted mb-4">{{ __('Problem information') }}</h6>

    <div class="pl-lg-4">
        <!-- alert -->
        @if ($errors->any())
            <div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">
                    @foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
                        <li>{{ $error }}</li>
                <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
                    <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>

    <!-- Account Number input -->
        <div class="form-group{{ $errors->has('Account_Number') ? ' has-danger' : '' }}">
            <label class="form-control-label"
                   for="input-account-number">{{ __('Account Number') }}</label>
            <div class="input-group input-group-alternative mb-3">

                <div class="input-group-prepend">
                    <span class="input-group-text"><i class="far fa-user-circle"></i></span>

                <input class="form-control{{ $errors->has('Account_Number') ? ' is-invalid' : '' }}"
                       placeholder="{{ __('Account Number') }}" type="text" name="Account_Number"
                       value="{{ old('Account_Number') }}" autofocus>
            @if ($errors->has('Account_Number'))
                <span class="invalid-feedback" style="display: block;" role="alert">
                                    <strong>{{ $errors->first('Account_Number') }}</strong>

        <!-- Account Name input -->
        <div class="form-group{{ $errors->has('Account_Name') ? ' has-danger' : '' }}">
            <label class="form-control-label"
                   for="input-account-name">{{ __('Account Name') }}</label>
            <div class="input-group input-group-alternative mb-3">

                <div class="input-group-prepend">
                    <span class="input-group-text"><i class="far fa-id-card"></i></span>

                <input class="form-control{{ $errors->has('Account_Name') ? ' is-invalid' : '' }}"
                       placeholder="{{ __('Account Name') }}" type="text" name="Account_Name"
                       value="{{ old('Account_Name') }}" autofocus>
            @if ($errors->has('Account_Name'))
                <span class="invalid-feedback" style="display: block;" role="alert">
                                    <strong>{{ $errors->first('Account_Name') }}</strong>

        <!-- Email input -->
        <div class="form-group{{ $errors->has('email') ? ' has-danger' : '' }}">
            <label class="form-control-label" for="input-email">{{ __('Email') }}</label>
            <div class="input-group input-group-alternative mb-3">
                <div class="input-group-prepend">
                    <span class="input-group-text"><i class="far fa-envelope"></i></span>
                <input class="form-control{{ $errors->has('email') ? ' is-invalid' : '' }}"
                       placeholder="{{ __('Email') }}" type="email" name="email"
                       value="{{ old('email') }}">
            @if ($errors->has('email'))
                <span class="invalid-feedback" style="display: block;" role="alert">
                    <strong>{{ $errors->first('email') }}</strong>

        <!-- Date input -->
        <div class="form-group{{ $errors->has('Date') ? ' has-danger' : '' }}">
            <label class="form-control-label" for="input-data">{{ __('Date') }}</label>
            <div class="input-group input-group-alternative mb-3">
                <div class="input-group-prepend">
                    <span class="input-group-text"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i></span>
                <input class="form-control{{ $errors->has('Date') ? ' is-invalid' : '' }}"
                       placeholder="{{ __('Date') }}" type="date" name="Date" value="{{ old('Date') }}"
                       min="2005-01-01" max="2025-12-31" autofocus>
            @if ($errors->has('Date'))
                <span class="invalid-feedback" style="display: block;" role="alert">
                    <strong>{{ $errors->first('Date') }}</strong>

        <!-- problem description input -->
        <div class="form-group{{ $errors->has('problem_descrip') ? ' has-danger' : '' }}">
            <label class="form-control-label"
                   for="input-problem-description">{{ __('Problem Description') }}</label>
            <div class="input-group input-group-alternative mb-3">
                <div class="input-group-prepend">
                    <span class="input-group-text"><i class="far fa-file-alt"></i></span>

                <!-- the problem here -->
                <textarea class="form-control{{ $errors->has('problem_descrip') ? ' is-invalid' : '' }}"
                        name="problem_descrip" rows="2"
                        placeholder="{{ __('Descrip the problem here') }}">{{ old('problem_descrip') }}</textarea>

            @if ($errors->has('problem_descrip'))
                <span class="invalid-feedback" style="display: block;" role="alert">
                    <strong>{{ $errors->first('problem_descrip') }}</strong>

        <!-- added by input -->
        <div class="form-group">
            <label class="form-control-label" for="input-added_by">{{ __('Added By') }}</label>
            <div class="input-group input-group-alternative mb-3">
                <div class="input-group-prepend">
                    <span class="input-group-text" style="background-color: #e9ecef"><i lass="fas fa-user-tie"></i></span>
                <input class="form-control" type="text" value="{{ auth()->user()->name }}" disabled>

        <hr class="my-4"/>
        <h6 class="heading-small text-muted mb-4">{{ __('Solved') }}</h6>
        <!-- Comment input -->
        <div class="form-group{{ $errors->has('comment') ? ' has-danger' : '' }}">
            <label class="form-control-label" for="input-comment">{{ __('Comment') }}</label>
            <div class="input-group input-group-alternative">
                <div class="input-group-prepend">
                    <span class="input-group-text"><i class="far fa-comment"></i></i></span>
                <textarea class="form-control{{ $errors->has('comment') ? ' is-invalid' : '' }}"
                          name="comment" rows="2"
                          placeholder="{{ __('comment on the problem or solution') }}">{{ old('comment') }}</textarea>
            @if ($errors->has('comment'))
                <span class="invalid-feedback" style="display: block;" role="alert">
                    <strong>{{ $errors->first('comment') }}</strong>

        <!-- added by input -->

        <label class="form-control-label" for="input-added_by">{{ __('Solved By') }}</label>
        <div class="input-group input-group-alternative mb-2">
            <div class="input-group-prepend">
                <span class="input-group-text" style="background-color: #e9ecef"><i class="fas fa-user-tie"></i></span>
            <input class="form-control" type="text" value="{{ auth()->user()->name }}" disabled>

        <!-- Solved checkbox -->
        <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox mb-3">
            <div class="input-group{{ $errors->has('Sovled') ? ' has-danger' : '' }} mb-2">
                <input type='hidden' value='0' name='Sovled'>
                <input class="custom-control-input" id="customCheck1" name="Sovled" value="1"
                <label class="custom-control-label" for="customCheck1">{{ __('Solved') }}</label>
            @if ($errors->has('Sovled'))
                <span class="text-danger ml--4" role="alert">
                    <b>{{ $errors->first('Sovled') }}</b>
        <!-- submit button -->
        <div class="text-center">
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary mt-4">{{ __('Add') }}</button>

method used in controller

public function store(Request $request, User $user)
    $rules = [
        'Account_Number' => ['required', 'numeric'],
        'Account_Name' => ['required', 'string'],
        'email' => ['required', 'email', 'max:20'],
        'Date' => ['required', 'date_format:Y-m-d'],
        'problem_descrip' => ['required', 'min:1', 'max:2000'], // max not work 
        'comment' => ['nullable', 'string', 'required_if:Sovled,1', 'min:0', 'max:2000'], // something
        'Sovled' => ['nullable', 'numeric', new Checkbox($request->get('comment'), $request->get('Sovled'))]

    $customMessages = [
        'comment.required_if' => 'The :attribute field can not be blank when solved box is checked you need to write the solution.'

    $result = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules, $customMessages);

    if ($result->fails()) {
        return redirect()->back()->withErrors($result)->withInput($request->input());



The Problem

enter image description here



  1. Try This, You Must Add Of Aliases STRING, Because Max Detected For Size Of File. Good Luck, Please UP Button If Helping Your Problem :).

    $rules = [
        'Account_Number' => ['required', 'numeric'],
        'Account_Name' => ['required', 'string'],
        'email' => ['required', 'email', 'max:20'],
        'Date' => ['required', 'date_format:Y-m-d'],
        'problem_descrip' => ['required', 'string', 'min:1', 'max:2000'], //Add string here
        'comment' => ['nullable', 'string', 'required_if:Sovled,1', 'min:0', 'max:2000'], // something
        'Sovled' => ['nullable', 'numeric', new Checkbox($request->get('comment'), $request->get('Sovled'))]
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  2. It looks like a session problem, try changing session driver from cookie to file in .env

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