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Hope some of you pros can help me out on this sql / php issue.

The short version:

I need to add members to a task-database. So I have memberlist, it loop through each member and runs below sql.

I need to run an SQL statement that is to exit after first update / execution where it hits the parameters. So I need some kind of return for each time the sql updates a field?


Update this column
condition 1
condition 2
after first execution exit

Current sql:

UPDATE calendar
SET spil1 = '$temp'
(dayname = 'Lørdag'
OR dayname = 'Søndag')

// now exit if the above is met and the sql update was executed.

So the problem is I cannot make it stop (tried limit, top etc)
How is this made with SQL? or is there a smart way to condition it in the PHP loop before executing the script?



  1. Do you have an id column in calendar? If yes use the following query (Not tested):

    UPDATE calendar
    SET spil1 = '$temp'
    WHERE id =
    (SELECT * FROM calendar
    (dayname = 'Lørdag'
    OR dayname = 'Søndag')
    LIMIT 1)T)

    What this query does, it brings the first record that applies to your condition, and then update that record the way you want it

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  2. if you are using any unique id put this code at the end of your query..
    good luck.

    AND unique_id IN ( SELECT unique_id FROM calendar order by unique_id ASC LIMIT 1 )
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  3. I’m pretty sure you want to assign a different member to each NULL value in the calendar table. This is tricky. It requires enumerating the rows in each table for the join — and assumes a unique id in the calendar table.

    update calendar c join
           (select c.*,
                   row_number() over (order by c2.pil1) as seqnum
            from calendar c2
            where c2.pil1 is not null and
                  c2.dayname in ('Lørdag', 'Søndag')
           ) c2
           on c.calendar_id = c2.calendar_id join  -- the unique id
           (select ml.*,
                   row_number() over (order by ml.member_id) as seqnum
            from memberlist ml
           ) ml
           on ml.seqnum = c2.seqnum
        set c.spil1 = ml.member_id;

    I also suspect that you want the condition for the calendar table to be IS NULL rather than IS NOT NULL, but this is the logic you have in the question.

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