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I have this code snippet that PhpStorm does not like:

public function __construct(LogFacade $logFacade)
    private LogFacade $logFacade
} ()

It mainly says Undefined constant 'LogFacade' and Expected: semicolon.

We are running on docker container which has PHP version 8.1.7:

martin@463a39853ae1:/web$ php -v
PHP 8.1.7 (cli) (built: Jun 13 2022 13:56:32) (ZTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.1.7, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies

and so is PhpStorm (language level+interpreter):
PhpStorm version of PHP

When I change it to older version, it works completely fine (But the project is using the first snippet all over the place:

private LogFacade $logFacade;

public function __construct(LogFacade $logFacade)
    $this->logFacade = $logFacade;



  1. Properties would need to be declared within a class, your class should look something as shown below for it to work:

    class MyClass
        private LogFacade $logFacade;
        public function __construct(LogFacade $logFacade)
            $this->logFacade = $logFacade;

    More details can be found here:

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  2. Your first snippet should declare the visibility inside the constructor arguments. There is then no need to reference it again in the constructor body

    public function __construct(private LogFacade $logFacade) {}
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