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I used to upload offline conversion using following code in v201809 version as provided at

$oAuth2Credential = (new OAuth2TokenBuilder())->fromFile()->build();
$session = (new AdWordsSessionBuilder())->fromFile()->withOAuth2Credential($oAuth2Credential)->withClientCustomerId($customerid)->enablePartialFailure()->build();

$adWordsServices = new AdWordsServices();
$offlineConversionService = $adWordsServices->get($session, OfflineConversionFeedService::class);
$feed = new OfflineConversionFeed();

$offlineConversionOperation = new OfflineConversionFeedOperation();
$offlineConversionOperations = [$offlineConversionOperation];
$result = $offlineConversionService->mutate($offlineConversionOperations);

Now I am upgrading to V9, I have used the code as provided at

$oAuth2Credential = (new OAuth2TokenBuilder())->fromFile()->build();
$googleAdsClient = (new GoogleAdsClientBuilder())->fromFile()->withOAuth2Credential($oAuth2Credential)->build();

$conversionName = ConversionActionType::WEBPAGE;
$clickConversion = new ClickConversion([
'conversion_action' => ResourceNames::forConversionAction($customerId, $conversionName),
'gclid' => $gclid,
'conversion_value' => $conversionValue,
'conversion_date_time' => $conversionTime,
'currency_code' => 'USD'
$conversionUploadServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getConversionUploadServiceClient();
$result = $conversionUploadServiceClient->uploadClickConversions($customerid, [$clickConversion], true);

The problem is when we set $conversionName="OfflineConv"; we get following error.
Resource name ‘customers/9025381111/conversionActions/OfflineConv’ is malformed: expected ‘customers/{customer_id}/conversionActions/{ConversionType.conversion_type_id}’., at conversions[0].conversion_action

and when we set $conversionName = ConversionActionType::WEBPAGE; we get following error.
This customer does not have an import conversion action that matches the conversion action provided., at conversions[0].conversion_action

Can someone help me?



  1. Conversion Name must match the conversion action that you’ve already set up in your account. You’re passing the enum value for the type.

    It should be something like $conversionName = "OfflineConversions"
    where "OfflineConversions" is exactly the name of the conversion in the conversions section of the web UI.

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  2. ConversionName has been removed from V9, use $conversionActionId as in example on github.

    You need to try use parameter ctId from url your "OfflineConversions" in Google Ads UI as $conversionActionId.

    Or try the solution from here.

    For your example, replace this

    $conversionName = ConversionActionType::WEBPAGE;

    on this

    $conversionName = {ctId  from url};
    Login or Signup to reply.
  3. You need to first create a click conversion

    click_conversion = adwords_client.get_type("ClickConversion")
    conversion_action_service = adwords_client.get_service('ConversionActionService')
        click_conversion.conversion_action = (
                customer_id, conversion_action_id

    The conversion_action_id is equivalent to conversion_name of previous version.
    You can find the id using following snippet

    ads: GoogleAdsServiceClient = self.adwords_client.get_service('GoogleAdsService')
    pages ="SELECT, FROM conversion_action where{conversion_name}", customer_id={customer_id})
        for page in pages:

    Then you upload the conversion

    click_conversion.gclid = gclid
    click_conversion.conversion_value = conversion_value
    click_conversion.conversion_date_time = conversion_time
    click_conversion.currency_code = currency_code
    conversion_upload_service = self.adwords_client.get_service("ConversionUploadService")
    request = self.adwords_client.get_type("UploadClickConversionsRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    request.partial_failure = True
    conversion_upload_response = (
    uploaded_click_conversion = conversion_upload_response.results[0]
        f"Uploaded conversion that occurred at "
        f'"{uploaded_click_conversion.conversion_date_time}" from '
        f'Google Click ID "{uploaded_click_conversion.gclid}" '
        f'to "{uploaded_click_conversion.conversion_action}"'
    Login or Signup to reply.
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