I have regular use cases of PHP Exception sub classes where I want to collect up data and then bundle it into a final error message. For example:
checking some data has contiguous days
$missing = new MissingAdjustmentDataException(''); $testDate = $period->getPreviousPeriod()->getEnd(); $z = 0; while ($testDate <= $period->getEnd() && $z < 500){ if (!in_array($testDate, array_column($activationRedemptionAdjustmentDays, 'effective') )){ $missing->addMissingRedemptionAdjustment($testDate); } if (!in_array($testDate, array_column($platformAdjustmentDays, 'effective') )){ $missing->addMissingPlatformAdjustment($testDate); } $testDate->add(new DateInterval('P1D')); $z++; }
Then in my exception, I’m collecting the data in arrays:
class MissingAdjustmentDataException extends Exception { private $missingRedemptionAdjustment = []; private $missingPlatformAdjustment = []; public function updateMessage() { $message = 'Missing Adjustment data: '; if ($this->missingRedemptionAdjustment){ $ra = []; foreach ($this->missingRedemptionAdjustment as $item){ $ra[] = $item->format('Y-m-d'); } $message .= 'RedemptionAdjustment: '.implode(',',$ra); } if ($this->missingPlatformAdjustment){ $pl = []; foreach ($this->missingRedemptionAdjustment as $item){ $pl[] = $item->format('Y-m-d'); } $message .= 'PlatformAdjustment: '.implode(',',$pl); } $this->message = $message; } public function inError() : bool { if ($this->missingRedemptionAdjustment || $this->missingPlatformAdjustment){ return true; }else{ return false; } } public function addMissingRedemptionAdjustment(DateTime $dateTime){ $this->missingRedemptionAdjustment[] = clone $dateTime; $this->updateMessage(); } public function addMissingPlatformAdjustment(DateTime $dateTime){ $this->missingPlatformAdjustment[] = clone $dateTime; $this->updateMessage(); } }
My main problem is that I cannot find a way to do the formatting of the message in a "lazy" way when $missing->getMessage() is called. It seems to have update $this->message inside the Exception every time I add a data point to the exception.
Is there a better way to do this?
You can execute updateMessage() while catching the exception
You will find some advices and hacks in How to change exception message of Exception object?
The issue is that you are mixing two different things: the object that keeps track of the errors, and the exception.
You should properly seperate them. For example:
And the way to use it: