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At 2022-09-30 i encountered weird behaviour of DateTime::createFromFormat, for pattern ‘Y-m’ and date ‘2022-02’ it returns 2022-03-02, now i know this is happening cause php will populate missing date values.

But today i wanna write some test cases with pattern !Y-m or Y-m| but i cant reproduce the error because now is 2022-10-03 so $d->createFromFormat('Y-m', '2022-02'); will not overflow to march, so can i somehow force DateTime::createFromFormat to return value as if it was launched on 2022-09-30 ?

I also tried creating new instance of DateTime and call createFromFormat on it, instead of static call:

$d1 = new DateTime('2022-09-30');
$d2 = $d1->createFromFormat('Y-m', '2022-02');
print_r($d2->format('Y-m-d')); // returns 2022-02-03, expected 2022-03-02

Also i am using php 7.4



  1. The definition of createFromFormat ( says that the arguments are in reverse order.

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  2. Parsing an incomplete date and defining the missing components user-specifically is possible with the class Dt.

    $dateFragment = '2022-02';
    $dateInit = '2000-01-15 04:30';
    $regEx = '/^(?<Y>d{4})-(?<m>d{1,2})$/'; //4 digit year, hyphen, 1-2 digit month
    $timeZone = "Europe/Berlin";
    $date = Dt::createFromRegExFormat($regEx,$dateFragment,$timeZone,$dateInit);
    echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i');  //2022-02-15 04:30

    The dateFragment returns only the month and year. A regular expression defines how the fragment is to be interpreted. Regular expressions are far more powerful than normal formatting. The missing information (day, hour, minute) is taken from dateInit.

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