Here my array:
$array = [
'key1' => [
'first' => 'azerty',
'second' => 'qwerty'
'key2' => [
'first' => 'hello',
'second' => 'world'
With the value ‘qwerty’ I would like to retrieve the ‘key1’.
I looking for something like that:
$theKeyIWant = array_search('qwerty', array_column($array, 'second'));
But I get ‘0’, instead of ‘key1’ (and I know that’s how it works)
Anyone know how to adapt this code or know another code to get the key value?
To solve this is to loop through the outer array and use array_search() to search for the value within each inner array.
returns an array of an array’s keys.3V4l
Slight modification to your code to combine the keys and column values:
The problem with seeking "something sexier" for this task is that if "sexier" means a "functional iterator", then that comes a cost of not being able to "return early" (doing unnecessary cycles).
If you want a single-line function to call, you can build your own and put it in a helpers file somewhere in your project. My strong advice is to abandon "sexy" for this task and use a breakable foreach loop.
Code: (Demo)
If you are going to perform repeated searches on the same array and the second column is guaranteed to contain unique values, then you can convert the array into a lookup array without losing any data. (Demo)