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I have this component called beat-player, on the PHP code I receive a dispatched event from another component and it works:


namespace AppLivewire;

use LivewireComponent;
use LivewireAttributesOn;

class BeatPlayer extends Component
    public $scores;
    public $difficulty;
    public $note_type;

    public $sample_urls ;

    // public function mount($score)
    // {
    //     $this->score = $score;
    // }
    public function mount()
        $this->sample_urls = [
            'snare' => asset('samples/snare.wav'),
            'kick' => asset('samples/kick2.wav'),
            'hat' => asset('samples/hihat2.wav')
    public function handleUpates($updates){
        $this->scores = $updates['scores'];
        $this->difficulty = $updates['difficulty'];
        $this->note_type = $updates['note-type'];
    public function updateScore($scores)
        $this->scores = $scores;
    public function updateDifficulty($difficulty){
    public function updateNoteType($note_type)
        $this->note_type = $note_type;
    public function render()
        // dd($this);
        return view('livewire.beat-player');

on the blade code I am trying to handle it as well so I can trigger some updates on a 3rd party library:

            window.sequencer = a();

this event is not being triggered.
is it possible to handle in both parts?
in essence there is a property that gets updated ($scores) that I need to know when that happens.

thanks in advance



  1. I think, if I understood your description correctly, the issue is that the score-updated event is dispatched from another component.

    Looking at the docs on this

    it says:

    You can easily listen for the post-created event inside your component’s template from a @script directive like so:

        $wire.on('post-created', () => {

    The above snippet would listen for the post-created from the component it’s registered within. If the component is no longer on the page, the event listener will no longer be triggered.

    One way you can test this would be to dispatch a new event from your handleUpates function:

        public function handleUpates($updates){
            $this->scores = $updates['scores'];
            $this->difficulty = $updates['difficulty'];
            $this->note_type = $updates['note-type'];

    Then listen for pass-through-score-updated in your script.

    If that works then you could leave it at that or look into dispatching events to other components:

    Hopefully that helps

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  2. This generic JS listener can work:

        document.addEventListener('score-updated', (event) => {
            console.log('updates', event.detail);
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