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Abstract class hide the implementation and group of similar type data.

Group of data is understandable but implementation hiding is not.

According to the following code:

abstract class area
    protected $a;
    protected $b;

    abstract public function CalculateArea($ax, $ay); 

class rectangle extends area
    public function CalculateArea($ax, $ay)
       $this->a = $ax; 
       $this->b = $ay; 

       return $this->a * $this->b;

class ellipse extends area
    private $c = 3.1416;
    public function CalculateArea($ax, $ay)
       $this->a = $ax; 
       $this->b = $ay; 

       return $this->a * $this->b * $this->c;

$RectangleArea = new rectangle();
echo $RectangleArea->CalculateArea(2, 3);


$EllipseArea = new ellipse();
echo $EllipseArea->CalculateArea(2, 3);

Here a,b properties in abstract class area that is used to next inherited class rectangle and ellipse. Through this it is understandable that grouping of data satisfied but how the implementation hiding is satisfied? Can anyone clarify it?

Thanks in advance.



  1. In your abstract class $a and $b are protected.

    abstract class area{
        protected $a;
        protected $b;
        abstract public function CalculateArea($ax,$ay); 

    This is how visibility works:

    • public to make property/method available from anywhere,
      other classes and instances of the object.

    • private when you want your property/method to be visible in its
      own class only.

    • protected when you want to make your property/method visible in
      all classes that extend the current class including the parent class.

    If you don’t use any visibility modifier, the property/method will be public.

    see this for reference

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  2. What’s presented is an interface, because the actual logic is pushed down into the implementing class, which doesn’t, in fact, create a hidden implementation.

    Here’s a modified example demonstrating something closer to what you’re describing, because you access through area() but the implementation is private to the abstract class.

    trait CalculatesArea
        private $pi = 3.1416;
        private function rectangularArea(): float
           return $this->a * $this->b;
        private function ellipticArea(): float
           return $this->a * $this->b * $this->pi;
    abstract class Shape
        use CalculatesArea;
        public function __construct(protected float $a, protected float $b) {}
        public function area(): ?float
            if ($this instanceof Rectangle) {
                return $this->rectangularArea();
            if ($this instanceof Ellipse) {
                return $this->ellipticArea();
            return null;

    At this point, we have an abstract class that utilizes a trait and determines, based on checking it’s final implementation, which area method to use.

    Now we just extend it and each uses a common ->area() invocation to call into the abstract class:

    class Rectangle extends Shape {}
    class Ellipse extends Shape {}
        (new Rectangle(3, 4))->area(),
        (new Ellipse(1.3, 3.8))->area(),

    Because the trait has the calculate methods as private, they are "hidden" (private method) from the implementing class (protected method), as well as any external code (public method).

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