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SQL Table tbl_meals

| id  | receiver|  bfast  |  lunch  |  dinner |   date   |
|  1  | smith   | served  |         | served  | 04-18-23 |
|  2  | philip  |         |  served | served  | 04-18-23 |
|  3  | mercede | served  |         | served  | 04-19-23 |
|  4  | annie   |         |  served | served  | 04-20-23 |

Supposing that a connection to the database week_meal is successful.
I need to display this in the HTML table.
The table should look like…

|   Date  | April 18 | April 19 | April 20 | and so on, until the last tbl_meals of each week
|Breakfast|   1      |    1     |  None    |
|  Lunch  |   1      |  None    |   1      |
|  Dinner |   2      |    1     |   1      |

I know it is quite complicated for me as a newbie in php, mysqli

I did only simple $query to display DISTINCT value from tbl_meals date column. It works fine only for the date which is

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT date 
        FROM tbl_meals 
        ORDER BY date ASC";
$res = mysqli_query($connection, $sql); 

But not the way it should be displayed.

|   Date  | April 18 | April 19 | April 20 | and so on, until the last tbl_meals of each week
|Breakfast|   1      |    1     |  None    |
|  Lunch  |   1      |  None    |   1      |
|  Dinner |   2      |    1     |   1      |



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I have solved it myself. I will be sharing it here. Thank you for the interest in helping me solve this. I appreciate your efforts.

  2. // adapt to your needs
    $startDate = new DateTime('2023-04-18');
    $finishDate = new DateTime('2023-04-25');
    // we need to convert a string (mm-dd-yy) into a MySQL DATE (yyyy-mm-dd)
    $datesWhere = ' WHERE CAST(CONCAT(' .
        // year (plus separator)
        '"20", SUBSTR(`date`, 7, 2), "-", ' .
        // month (plus separator)
        'SUBSTR(`date`, 1, 2), "-", ' .
        // day
        'SUBSTR(`date`, 4, 2)' .
        ') AS DATE)' .
        sprintf(' BETWEEN "%s" AND "%s"', $startDate->format('Y-m-d'), $finishDate->format('Y-m-d'));
    // first we retrieve the distinct dates (within the date range)
    $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT `date`' . 
        ' FROM `tbl_meals`' .
        $datesWhere .
        ' ORDER BY `date` ASC';
    $res = mysqli_query($connection, $sql); 
    // use the distinct dates as table column headings
    // and also use them to contruct the columns of our next SQL statement
    $select = [];
    echo '<table>';
    echo '<thead><tr>';
    echo '<th>Meal</th>';
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        echo '<th>' . htmlspecialchars($row['date']) . '</th>';
        // we will count the number of non-NULL columns for this date
        // NB leaving '%s' in the string for later sprintf() substitution according to which meal
        $select[] = sprintf('COUNT(IF(`date` = "%s", `%%s`, NULL)) AS "%s"', $row['date'], $row['date']);
    echo '</tr></thead>';
    // aggregate SQL statement - one column for meal name, then our date columns
    $sql = 'SELECT "%s" as "Meal", ' . implode(',', $select) .
        ' FROM `tbl_meals`' .
        $datesWhere .
        ' GROUP BY `date`';
    // make three versions for the three meal types
    $bfastSQL = sprintf($sql, 'Breakfast', ...array_fill(0, count($select), 'bfast'));
    $lunchSQL = sprintf($sql, 'Lunch', ...array_fill(0, count($select), 'lunch'));
    $dinnerSQL = sprintf($sql, 'Dinner', ...array_fill(0, count($select), 'dinner'));
    // join them together so that we get three rows in our result set
    $mealsSQL = $bfastSQL . ' UNION ' . $lunchSQL . ' UNION ' . $dinnerSQL;
    $res = mysqli_query($connection, $mealsSQL); 
    echo '<tbody>';
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        echo '<tr>';
        // the first item is the meal name
        echo '<th>' . htmlspecialchars(array_shift($row)) . '</th>';
        // the remaining items are the values by date
        echo '<td>' . implode('</td><td>', array_map('htmlspecialchars', $row)) . '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    echo '</tbody></table>';
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