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so I’m creating an e-commerce website using symfony and twig. Right now The client can enter manually the quantity he wants of a specific product, but i want that quantity to not exceed the stock we have of that product. So for example if we have 5 chairs, i want him to choose between 1 and 5.
For that i created a dropdown :

<div class="field select-box">
    <select name="quantity" data-placeholder="Select your quantity">

        {% for i in 1..produit.stock %}
        <option value="{{ i }}">{{ i }}</option>

        {% endfor %}

I want to use the selected value to put it inside a form,, or maybe find another way to set the quantity asked without using the form or even just change the way the form looks because right now it only takes input. Should i generate another form ?

Hopefully i was clear.

Here’s what my formType looks like :

class ContenuPanierType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void


    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void
            'data_class' => ContenuPanier::class,

and here’s a bit of code from the controller that creates a cart, add the products and all the information regarding it (quantity, user it belongs to, date)

 if(is_null($updateContenuPanier)) {
            $contenuPanier = new ContenuPanier();
            $contenuPanier->setDate(new Datetime());



  1. Have a look at Form Input Types here. You can specify the options. This field in particular will vary for each product (Product A = 5 in stock, Product B = 10 in stock).

    I doubt a select field is the best here, maybe just use a simple <input type="number">, but that’s just my thought on this.

    $builder->add('quantite', ChoiceType::class, [
        'choices' => [ // instead of this, do a loop to create your options
            'Apple' => 1,
            'Banana' => 2,
            'Durian' => 3,
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  2. This can be done with the ChoiceType. You just need to determine your maximum allowed value and configure the appropriate options.

      public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
        // access the entity
        $entity = $builder->getData();
        // your custom logic to determine the maximum allowed integer value based on $entity
        $max = $entity->getStockOnHandMethodName();
        $builder->add('quantite', ChoiceType::class, [
          'choices'      => range(1, $max),
          'choice_label' => function ($choice) {
            // use the value for the label text
            return $choice;
          // prevent empty placeholder option
          'placeholder'  => false,

    I’m almost certain you will still need to verify that the submitted quantity is still valid in your controller action which handles the form submission.

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