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hello i want want to overwrite all peramters from old link to new link .. like



// $fnialurl=rewrite_data($oldURl,$newUrl);

final result i want ..

you have any idea to get path & request from old url and replace it in new url



  1. I guess you could just use parse_url to achieve this. Loop all the url’s you want to join combining all their paths and queries then output them again at the end – they’d need to be passed in the order you want to join them however and the same host is expected in this example but it should get you started.

    function rewrite_data(string ...$urls): string
        $paths = [];
        $queries = [];
        $key = parse_url(current($urls));
        foreach ($urls as $url)
            $parsedUrl = parse_url($url);
            $paths[] = $parsedUrl['path'] ?? null;
            $queries[] = $parsedUrl['query'] ?? null;
        [$paths, $queries] = [array_filter($paths, fn($x) => $x && $x !== '/'), array_filter($queries)];
        return sprintf('%s://%s%s?%s', $key['scheme'], $key['host'], implode('/', $paths), implode('&', $queries));

    Usage in your example would be:

    # output:
    rewrite_data('', '');

    See it working over on

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  2. Use parse_url with component arguments.

    $oldUrl = "";
    $newUrl = "";
    $baseUrl  = strtok($oldUrl, '?');
    $oldQuery = parse_url($oldUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY);
    $newQuery = parse_url($newUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY);
    $finalUrl = "{$baseUrl}?{$newQuery}&{$oldQuery}"; 
    echo $finalUrl;
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