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Here, I’m trying to swap the number using PHP but not able to swap.
How to solve that problem.

My Code :

$a = 45;  
$b = 78;  
echo "Before swapping:<br><br>";  
echo "a =".$a."  b=".$b;  
echo "<br/><br/>";
// Swapping Logic  
echo "After swapping:<br><br>";  
echo "a =".$a."  b=".$b;  

I’m a beginner in php just learning about logic but getting exception so any body can help how to solve it?



  1. Please replace your code

    // Swapping Logic  


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  2. You can also swap the variables this way:

    list($a, $b) = array($b, $a);
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  3. You can just minus it with the one u added or you can try creating another variable to temporarily store the other value while you swap. storing it on a temporary variable is how people usually do it as if you have done leet code , the bubble sort is a good practice for this kind of logic.

    // Swapping Logic  
    $third = $a;  
    $a = $b;  
    $b = $third; 
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  4. You can dereference in arrays in one line:

    $a = 1;
    $b = 2;
    [$b,$a] = [$a,$b];
    echo $a,' ', $b;    // 2 1

    Works as far back as PHP 7.1.0


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