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I’m part of a team, using json_encode() to change an array into a JSON string. I then save this string in my database. Our ORM then escapes the quotes in the string, so if I look in the database, the string is stored as something like this:

"{"id":6,"name":"Number five","color":"red"}"

I can obviously write a method to remove the escaping, but I wanted to check first: Is there an existing, built-in function for unescaping?


EDIT: The value is stored this way in the database. Even looking via the command-line mysql command shows this. And when it is re-fetched in my application, it also shows up with the slashes.



  1. i hope this can help you:

    //let's create a table test widh  just an int field and  a text field 
    //where we will put our json string
    $mysqli = new mysqli("", "user", "password", "database");
    $mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test");
    $mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT, json_string TEXT)");
    //i create a json string just like the one used in the original request
    //and i put it in a variable called $jsonString.
    $obj = ["id"=>6,"name"=>"Number five","color"=>"red"];
    $jsonString = json_encode($obj);
    //let's reproduce the problem:
    //i insert in $jsonString in db as it is.
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO test(id, json_string) VALUES (?, ?)");
    $id = 1; //i've created  a table without primary and autoincrement so i need to set an id.
    $stmt->bind_param("ds", $id, $jsonString);
    //now let's solve the problem:
    //i insert in $jsonString in db 
    //using the base64_encode($jsonString) and from_base64(?) workaround.
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO test(id, json_string) VALUES (?, from_base64(?))");
    $id = 2; //i've created  a table without primary and autoincrement so i need to set an id.
    $stmt->bind_param("ds", $id, $b64String);
    //check the result:
    $result = $mysqli->query('SELECT * FROM test');
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  2. you can do it by using stripslashes function of php.The stripslashes() function removes backslashes.

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