I am calling one Microsoft graph API from my PHP application, API is https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/policies/identitySecurityDefaultsEnforcementPolicy
my code is like below
$graph = new Graph();
$response = $graph->createRequest("GET", "/policies/identitySecurityDefaultsEnforcementPolicy")->execute();
catch(Exception $e){
$arr = $response->getBody();
but it always catches exception and displays the below error
Client error: `GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/policies/identitySecurityDefaultsEnforcementPolicy` resulted in a `403 Forbidden` response:
{"error":{"code":"AccessDenied","message":"You cannot perform the requested operation, required scopes are missing in the token.","innerError":{"date":"2022-11-23T06:47:39","request-id":"9a4573c7-fd72-44ae-8ac6-8e4589cf1497","client-request-id":"9a4573c7-fd72-44ae-8ac6-8e4589cf1497"}}}
all the other Microsoft graph APIs are working well
I have also given permission to Policy.Read.All and granted admin consent to the Microsoft app I am using here for auth.
Update: when I open Microsoft’s online token parser https://jwt.ms/ and parsed my token, I see the roles like
"roles": [
but not the Policy.Read.All
Update: Getting auth token code is
$guzzle = new GuzzleHttpClient();
$url = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/'.env("TANANT_ID").'/oauth2/token?api-version=beta';
$token = json_decode($guzzle->post($url, [
'form_params' => [
'client_id' => env("CLIENT_ID"),
'client_secret' => env("CLIENT_SECRET"),
'resource' => 'https://graph.microsoft.com/',
'grant_type' => 'client_credentials',
// echo $token->access_token;
Session::put('my_token', $token->access_token);
Looks like you don’t have Policy.Read.All permission , could you please cross check permission through azure portal and provide the required permission and try again.
When you’re requesting the token, you need to supply a scope URL,
So as a basic example (this might not give the permission you need) but shows what your missing.
specifically notice that i have added
'scope' => 'https://graph.microsoft.com/.default',
to your form params